Light you mean? Nah he was fine.
Btw here is my/light's role
@Dr_Professor83 @Natalija @Flowa
The burden of Emet-Selch is no small trifle. As one of the last of the Unsundered, you carry, quite literally, the weight of your ancestory on your hefty shoulders, pressed down time and again, longing for someone to grant you a reprieve.
And it never came. And so you're left with but one more option. To unshackle Zodiark, and surrender the fragmented things that habituate your star unto Him, so that your people may once more become whole. From the outside, one may look upon your deeds with disdain. Solus zos Galvus, for instance, is infamous for his founding of the Garlean Empire, a war machine that to this day holds many a nation prisoner, and its founding was for none other than to sow the seeds of chaos for your work as an Ascian to thrive evermore. A folly, not just of those who suffered under the oppressive heel of the Empire, but those of the Empire too, a proud and stubborn people who cling to falsehoods and mistruths while you scheme and plot in the shadows.
Yet every story has a different version. In yours, you are every bit the hero you find yourself opposed by, time and again, the savior of the Ancients, who only dreams of returning what he once took for granted. A skilled and mighty sorcerer, you are particularly adept at creation magicks, and occupied the seat of Emet-Selch due to this proficiency. In your capacity as Emet-Selch, you were taked with keeping the Underworld in order, and it's a fitting jest that you now find yourself tasked with carrying the weight of all those lives you loved and lost. At your core, yours is a sentimental existance, unable to let go of those that passed aeons ago nor look forward at thse who came after. Perhaps one day, you'll meet one worthy of carrying your legacy and burden, one who will always remember that you and yours once lived.
Mafia Iron Paragon Creationist Godfather
True Name - Hades
Mafia - Raise your forgotten allies to their rightful Seats, and eliminate all threats to the Mafia.
Iron - You are immune to destructive (killing) effects.
Paragon - You are informed of the identity of your fellow Paragon, Elidibus (SoulKiller). You do not currently have the ability to communicate with them out of thread, though you are told they are als informed of your identity. Moreover, you are told that Igeyohrm and Loghrif are in the game, though they are not aware of their true identities (Igeyorhm is told they are "Ascian of the Enlightened Frost" and Loghrif is told they are "Ascian of the Eternal Memory", respectively). During every odd-numbered Day Phase, you may select either Igeyorhm or Loghrif. You will be given a list of three names depending on your selection, one of which will be the true identity of the Ascian you picked. If you correctly choose the right identity, you will join a chat with them, and their true role will be revealed. You are informed that every Even-Numbered Day Phase, Elidibus has the same ability, and both of you will be told when either Igeyorhm or Loghrif has been remembered. In the event you choose incorrectly, the following Odd-Numbered Day Phase, you will be able to choose again, this time with only the two names remaining, and so on. Once both Igeyorhm and Lohgrif have been raised, you will gain the ability to discuss out of thread with them and Elidibus, and will fully form your Mafia faction.
Creationist - Every Night Phase, you may create a basic ability (busdrive, motivator, redirector, framer etc) as a one-shot ability, that you or any Ascian you are in communication with may use the following Night Phase.
Godfather - You investigate as Innocent, and any other forms of investigation will return positive results on you.
Black Cauldron - We Unlocked this when Light was the only one left btw, we used it to KO
@Dr_Professor83 lol. We enjoyed keeping you Koed