If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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who cares ab Queen? It’s the guy who NEGGED him after the power up

the blue flamed god….he’s at least top 15 in OP verse rn and the dude is only 21 years of age….

No other 21 year old in OP has remotely accomplished as much as Sanji
Morley and Iva are the strongest after Sabo currently. If Kuma was still normal, hed have probably been in there.

So Iva is easily mid to high commander lvl, and here we have an Admiral defeating him with ease. And no excuses this time. Akainu had no advantage nor was it a sneak attack.
That being said. Lance's reactions also don't make sense. He's punishing the "normal" readers because other leakers share stuff before he got the chance too, like, why strike us for it?

The Lance hate is getting ridiculous now tbh
If he doesn't wanna provide spoilers he should just stop it tbh. Him going to the thread and pretending to be a good guy by calling out fake spoilers is unnecessary. He should just let us enjoy the semi fake spoilers if he won't post the real ones:kayneshrug:
Sure but I earned it. You have no idea how hard i fucking worked and had to because of my circumstances too.

Make the petty jabs all you want, I worked My ass off including at my former jobs, university, college unlike a lot of lazy, selfish fucks and I'm proud of it.
I even permanently damaged my back due to it.
So excuse me for having some ego and thus self respect.

I didnt get extremely high grades without good reason either. I fucking earned them through hard work.
fair enough, i dont like spreading an ego like that personally cus ive seen people get bullied cus of it


Talent is something you make bloom.
I view the 4 commanders very close overall on the same tier, with Morley only being slightly stronger

Sulong Lindberg could be a different beast too, maybe on par or stronger than Morley momentarily
Sometimes I forget that he's a Mink.
I just like him because I love "rpg artificer" type of characters.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@AdmiralKinyagi @MarineHQ62 @The White Crane @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy

Okay, I’m not going to lie, Fujitora jobbing so hard that the Marines begin an official investigation into why he jobs so hard is hilarious in a meta way lol.

I must say, it’s annoying as a Fujitora fan to see him hold back this much. Like if Fuji got serious, he would give the Revolutionaries the same treatment that Green Bull gave King and Queen, but Oda constantly has Issho restrain himself due to Issho’s ulterior motives.

On the one hand, Fujitora willing to throw his own pride out of the window for the sake of his own agenda is what makes him so awesome. He’s not a petulant child like Kaido using his strongest attacks to defeat Okiku level fighters, he is legit willing to make himself look bad if that’s what it takes to accomplish his agenda. This is great.

On the other hand, I just want to see him flatten someone into a pancake. Lol
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