If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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I’m curious as to what the “notoriety= strength” crowd will say about Sabo after this chapter. One of the biggest arguments for Rayleigh being a top tier is how famous he is, being known across the whole world and being written in the history books and such. In fact, one of the biggest arguments against Katakuri being as strong as Rayleigh is that Katakuri is not a world famous figure, and was only referenced by title and bounty in the world news, not by name.

Well, now Sabo is a world-famous figure being idolized by people all around the world, and being referred to as an “Emperor” (as little sense as that makes lol.)

Is Sabo a mid top tier now? Because of notoriety?

@comrade @ShishioIsBack @nik87 @Sentinel @Echizen_Jo_Ndule
Well, even the inner circle of the marines, like Garp, who lived through the legendary era, said that taking Whitebeard and Rayleigh at once would be catastrophic, as they are legends of the same order. So far multiple characters respected Rayleigh more than the Yonko. And we saw testament of his strength when he, while old and rusty, was keeping Kizaru at bay, with Kizaru admitting he was being stopped. Prime Rayleigh is close to Roger in power.

As for Sabo, yes, he should be at least low top tier. Pre Mera he was already upper commander level, being the second in command of the revos. And now he has the title of flame emperor. Him pushing an admiral doesn't diminish the power of the admirals, it shows how powerful Sabo is.
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