I really like the Empire, Vader and the Emperor. So if the old republic can give me similar vibes maybe. I hear old republic is nuts with stupidly OP siths though
There's only 1 character from that era which can be argued as being strong as or stronger than the present Emperor, which is the sith emperor from that era. He's def. stronger than Vader, though not sure how many other sithlords despite their OP abilities are as strong as Vader. Because Vader in the comics and books is insanely OP. But the sith lords of that era about actually being sith and don't have any family drama going on.
You will find these three interesting I believe if you're into philosophical aspects of the Star Wars. They are from KOTOR 2 the game. (from left to right: Darth Nihilus, Darth Kreia, Darth Sion) :
3 of the ancient sith lords: (1st. Exar Kuun, 2nd. Marka Ragnos, 3rd. Tulak Hord)