If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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The Rogue Prince
1. That statement falls on itself because the important thing is who the Alliance beat, not the relative contribution each person made. If the WG and News Coo found out that Shanks and Whitebeard were defeated by an Alliance with Luffy, Buggy and Mohji as the most infamous people involved, the bounties would reflect an equal shared participation even if Luffy did 100% of the work. So Kid and Law having the same bounty means VIRTUALLY NOTHING considering what they did VS what Luffy did.
Doesn't matter in the slightest.
Nobody here is claiming Luffy = Kid = Law.
The point was that Oda would not give Kid/Law a 3 Billion bounty if he did not think they were insanely strong. It does not mean that Bounty is always a valid method of powerscaling.

2. "Oda won't give 3 Billion to someone who isn't a top tier" and "the threshold is from BB's previous 2.2 Bounty" are clearly gonna be shattered by Buggy's new Emperor bounty so guess what IT DOESN'T MATTER AND ISN'T USEFUL FOR POWERSCALING
If you have to use Buggy, a gag, to prove your case, then you might as well accept your concession.
It's hilarious when you think about it. Ulti is not damaged by Yamato. Aramaki is. Tobiroppo > AdmiraLs confirmed. No wonder Larines stay out of Wano.

No wonder Morley stomped the AdmiraLs
luffy will come up against blackbeard who can possibly negate most of what his fruit provides
how you can just conclude awakening > acoc like its so black and white is crazy .

No, the biggest leap Luffy made in base, was by CoC, because Luffy's base was useless and ACoC/ACoA did 90% of the work.

Gear 4 did no drastic difference in damage. He sobered up Drunk Kaido since 923.
base luffy --g2nd luffy - g3rd luffy , doesnt matter . he went toe to toe with kaido just off picking up acoc. prior to that with the support of 4 other fighters , his attacks were barely effective.

devil fruits vary
how strong ones haki is varies
so the jury on acoc vs ones df awakening .... varies too.
The argument that I made is that you are putting Law 2-3 levels below a YC3, essentially comparing him to people like Robin/Franky who don't even use Haki.

This is Law against a "CoA master"

This is him against Smoker

This is him against the leader of the Scabbards

Like I said, pick up a mirror.
Just bc law isn’t commander level in dressrosa doesn’t mean he’s around franky and robin level. Even current franky and robin loses to dressrosa law. And you just sent vergo, kinemon😭😭 and smoker as if they’re impressive lmao. Even second gear luffy in dressrosa beats those three. You are unironically a garbage scaler if you think kinemon in punk hazard is impressive when he isn’t even top three in the scabbards


The Rogue Prince
Neither Kizaru or BM are taking Marco out easily, it would require beating him down for a while hence why she quickly disabled him and asked Pero to candify him and Kizaru did the same thing with the seastone cuffs.
Marco is like a glorified Hawkins to Top Tiers.
Sure, they need to expend some effort to put him down but he isn't a threat to them in the slightest.
luffy will come up against blackbeard who can possibly negate most of what his fruit provides
how you can just conclude awakening > acoc like its so black and white is crazy .

base luffy --g2nd luffy - g3rd luffy , doesnt matter . he went toe to toe with kaido just off picking up acoc. prior to that with the support of 4 other fighters , his attacks were barely effective.

devil fruits vary
how strong ones haki is varies
so the jury on acoc vs ones df awakening .... varies too.
It doesn't really vary when it was his last powerup.

All 3 Supernovas were awakened. Only 1 of them had ACoC.
It's hilarious when you think about it. Ulti is not damaged by Yamato. Aramaki is. Tobiroppo > AdmiraLs confirmed. No wonder Larines stay out of Wano.

No wonder Morley stomped the AdmiraLs
Ulti had a Zoan with a fucking hard head and got clapped in the head and still spit quite a bit of blood.
Just bc law isn’t commander level in dressrosa doesn’t mean he’s around franky and robin level. Even current franky and robin loses to dressrosa law. And you just sent vergo, kinemon😭😭 and smoker as if they’re impressive lmao. Even second gear luffy in dressrosa beats those three. You are unironically a garbage scaler if you think kinemon in punk hazard is impressive when he isn’t even top three in the scabbards
Mate, you just said Cracker (YC3) > Doffy >>>>> ("who destroys") Law. You are putting Tiers between Law and a YC3. How is he still stronger than a TR?

What I did, was put in perspective your fucking retardation, and showed you a point of comparison. Then you backtracked.
ulti really is something.

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did you read what I said ?
Did you read what I said? You keep making the same bullshit arguments, when Luffy's ACoC is dependant on

(1) Lacing with ACoA (as mentioned by Kaido) which Zoro/Yamato don't have.

(2) Luffy's overall own strength.

Luffy's effectiveness with ACoC is not transferrable to all ACoC users. We're talking about ACoC in general, not Luffy's ACoC.
Mate, you just said Cracker (YC3) > Doffy >>>>> ("who destroys") Law. You are putting Tiers between Law and a YC3. How is he still stronger than a TR?

What I did, was put in perspective your fucking retardation, and showed you a point of comparison. Then you backtracked.
Wait a min. What tier would you put the tr in? As in do you think they’re commander level if so yc3? Yc2? Or do you think they’re below commander level?
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