If Oda wrote a One Piece Spinoff, what would be the best spinoff series?

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Believe me I'm admiral supporter through and through...
but portrayl here is different... Momonosuke's words alone is enough... Yamato and Scabbards also do not give Greenbull the same amount of fear as they did with Kaido

Portrayl regardless of "this happened to Kaido too or not" is different by miles

With kaido, they are all ganging on Kaido and would ask Luffy and co and all alliance to gang on him

With Greenbull... Kinemon and co didn't even want Luffy to stop his celebration... Yamato acted like they would handle him and wouldn't let him disturb Luffy... Momo didn't want Yamato to interefere in his clash with him

Do you realize the difference? With Kaido they all were attacking together and still it they got outclassed completely

It's logical that the portrayl is different here, the red scabbards know kaido and know the atrocities he has committed (same for Yamato), they don't know anything about the outside world so it's completely logical
In Ndule's scaling, anything remotely related to BMP is the next best thing since sliced bread while everything else is utter trash.

Is it my fault it rakes an alliance of 3/4 armies to cause chaos at tottoland and escape?

While one top tier trashed Navy HQ , destroyed it vs 2 top marines
Tiger Fisher himself freed slaves from marijois
Now 4 revos trashed 2 admirals and soldiers then escaped

Call me when strawhats alone could enter and not be captured.
Brulee caught Chopper and Carrot, Enraged army caught luffy and Nami
They needed savings lol

BM caught niji and yonji...

:milaugh: Marines need 2 top tiers to catch 1 top tier after the whole HQ squad got trashed
Need 3 admirals to catch revos since 2 with help can't
Luffy got to Wano only to be oneshotted by base Kaido, Zoro tanked and Law blocked that same move but from hybrid Kaido, it's embarrassing how weak pre CoC coating Luffy really is, needs G4 for Ulti, needs to be carried by Zoro the entire arc...
Without a power that Zoro also got 10 minutes later Luffy couldn't even beat a F6 without his magic fruit. :josad:
Your papercut, now show us Luffy doing better with CoA and no reality warping magic fruit.
Pre CoC Coating is still stronger than Zoro and the rest of the people. Pre CoC Coating never used Internal Destruction against ulti, which caused Kaido to dodge Base Luffy's internal destruction attacks.

Pre coc coated was the strongest person he fought since Oden. This from sbs 100 form Oda and is also in the Vivre Card databook Kaido section.
It's logical that the portrayl is different here, the red scabbards know kaido and know the atrocities he has committed (same for Yamato), they don't know anything about the outside world so it's completely logical
C'mon... they all can sense the presence and haki of someone to recognize their strength... Kidd/Hawkins/Apoo shit their pants the first time they saw kaido... although Apoo had a hand in it... but Kidd and others first time saw him and they legit got intimidated immediately
Admiral downplay is hilarious. Ironically people using same context to downplay Admirals that they were using to defend Yonkos. Smh. Have some self awareness atleast when they make senseless posts. :milaugh:
This is the most forced attempt to hand admirals a "L" I have ever seen. Of fucing course a advCOC bonk to an unguarded head would put any character to the ground.
Reading some reactions you'd think Aramaki got one spotted.
I don't wanna be rude and I'm more admiral team than yonkou team but you should check what happened during the last month here.
Many Admirals fans especially Kinyagi were trolling the yonkou fans and the alliance fans that the yonkou got killed by a magma and related it to Akainu, and that aramaki can solo the entire alliance.

So what you expected now in return when Yamato smacked in the head GB ? For sure they will troll back.

Sometimes just accept the trolls and move on lol.
Well wouldn’t expect much from a weirdo that still wanks a character he told us was gonna be cool with a “river of death” tattoo inspired by some Japanese actor,

now it turns out he is only a Celestial Dragon slave with no personality

First L is that of @AdmiralKinyagi :gokulaugh::milaugh:
Still a better character than Kaido. And it’s not particularly close.

Sucks that some people thinking being ultra evil = being a bad character. But then again One Piece is written for 12 year olds so it’s unsurprising that a lot of people with under-developed maturity read it.
Why the fuck is Shanks randomly sailing to Wano then just leaves

Wtf was the point??

So forced man. Another bounty poster look that goes fucking nowhere. I’ve seen the same scene for 25 fucking years

This chapter was overhyped as shit

Akainu was the best part of the chapter
As a neutral (I only moderately like admirals and don't care much about them) and as a non-agenda driven poster the most logical assumption for the Yamato - Green Bull case is...waiting.
Now we simply don't have enough information to process.

Unless I am missing the panel that shows the condition of GB after being hit.
Is he on the verge of defeat?
Or it was a low damage hit?

Who can say?

We have to wait the panel. As simple as that
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