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Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Not sure how anyone can read the Shanks scene and say he's not another competitor/antagonist and using Luffy for something.

The flashback very purposefully shows he took that fruit for a reason and "influenced" Luffy into becoming a Pirate (even Garp hates Shanks for this). The smile when he gets his arm cut off, implying that he made Luffy believe he owes him an unrepayable debt for saving his life.

Then the comments about Barto and the fucking last page and panels with Beckman. Like.... idk how clear this is meant to get, but when you combine all of this with his apparent advanced knowledge about Nika and relationship with the Gorosei....it knocks on a very particular door.
I remember when it was theorized that they would have a friendly Davy Back Fight


⚓𝒫𝒾𝓇𝒶𝓉𝑒 𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓃 𝒮𝑒𝓃𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓊⚓
Not sure how anyone can read the Shanks scene and say he's not another competitor/antagonist and using Luffy for something.

The flashback very purposefully shows he took that fruit for a reason and "influenced" Luffy into becoming a Pirate (even Garp hates Shanks for this). The smile when he gets his arm cut off, implying that he made Luffy believe he owes him an unrepayable debt for saving his life.

Then the comments about Barto and the fucking last page and panels with Beckman. Like.... idk how clear this is meant to get, but when you combine all of this with his apparent advanced knowledge about Nika and relationship with the Gorosei....it knocks on a very particular door.
I feel like he probably does have ulterior motives but the way he was smiling looking at the picture in some of the panels didn't seem malicious at all. I think he does like Luffy but there's def weird shit going on
Well, good chapter for the comeback, fair bit to unpack

Kinda disappointed that Ryokugyu is a logia when his power set is exactly what I wanted from a Green Man Zoan. Personality wise, he’s detestable. Hope Oda gives us good reason for him to be the way he is.

Momo, I’m guessing, is telling Yamato to stay out of it to prove Wano can defend itself with her away at sea.

Not sure why Shanks needed to be near Wano for this scene but good to see him entering the plot. Wording’s a bit ambiguous, is he going for the OP or just realising it will be found soon?

The events of the Reverie were what I expected. Sabo framed for murder, escaped with Vivi. Not happy at Oda making it outright clear that Sabo is more important than Dragon right now. Hopefully Dragon doesn’t get completely overshadowed.

And that’s 8/12 zodiac marines? What actor is Tensai based on?

Big missing figure is Blackbeard, has he made a move yet or not?


Welcome to the House of Hope
Imo, it doesn't have to be that deep with him and Mihawk. All Mihawk needs to do is sense that Shanks and Luffy are on a collision course and use that event to clash with Zoro.

Mihawk will 100% be involved in the endgame, and it becomes increasingly clear that he fits with no other group in the story, save for his former rival, especially considering Beckman is evidently not a swordsman or sword user, which is 100% of all of Zoro's opponents.
I don't think Mihawk is the one who will pursue it.
It's Zoro's "job" to "go after Mihawk", after all, he's the one trying to take the title of best swordsman. Know what I mean?

But in that sense, joining Shanks, who'll inevitably collide with Luffy, could be a genuine reason for Mihawk joining, since this would indeed mean he would cross paths with Zoro this way.
It's a really interesting possiblity.
No more "filler yonkos".
No more "filler shichibukais".
Only the good stuff now.
(Maybe, MAYBE we get a Ceasar type of villain with Weevil before going for the big names).


Not sure why Shanks needed to be near Wano for this scene but good to see him entering the plot. Wording’s a bit ambiguous, is he going for the OP or just realising it will be found soon?
Pretty sure he is going after it himself, especially with not wanting to meet Luffy, but coming to Wano anyway

he wants the Red Poneglyph that Kaido has, and nobody came for it while Kaido was here
You keep quoting me about this shit and it's hilarious because it's telling how much you just don't want this to happen. You care about this mire than anyone lmao
Ofc its not happening because is retarded lol
Mihwk is a lone guy
He would not join his inferior
Weeks passed no mihawk with shanks
Idk you retards want this so bad its not happening
I feel like he probably does have ulterior motives but the way he was smiling looking at the picture in some of the panels didn't seem malicious at all. I think he does like Luffy but there's def weird shit going on
Yeah it's a very odd dichotomy with his character. Sometimes I don't get why Oda does this, but I'm sure there's a reason why Shanks acts altruistic and proud of Luffy, while also having something off about him when it comes to his connections and knowledge about the world.

We'll just have to wait and see I suppose
Great chapter. In regards to Aramaki, even if Oda isn't going through with the whole "both Greenbull and Purple Tiger will be against the World Government" thing (which, I suppose is understandable seeing as he didn't make any sort of guarantee and it could've only been a partially correct theory), I think Aramaki as an enforcer of the current establishment works fine.

He seems a bit similar to Lucci in that he acknowledges the Celestial Dragons as the gods that are in control and that's simply the way it is. He does seem to genuinely believe the way the government handles things brings order and he is kinda a scumbag but hopefully in a very compelling way. Though if this is just a ruse I wouldn't mind that either. In general, I can't wait to learn more about the guy.

I think his beliefs contrast well with Yamato (as highlighted in this chapter) and I wouldn't mind too much if she faces him as an arc opponent in the future though I think Zoro (black blade) and Sanji (his use of his powers going against Sanji's core values) would work well too. Overall, I can understand Aramaki being underwhelming to some, character-wise but I'm enjoying enjoying we're learning about him and I'm curious to see where he goes.


I hope Mihawk joins Shanks, that would be amazing

tbh, re-reading Baratie

Zoro vs Mihawk could really happen anywhere lmao

Mihawk could just be once again bored and decide to do something for fun, like coming to Wano after hearing the news

and just end up meeting Zoro

but since Mihawk knows Luffy wants to be the Pirate King, going with Shanks after the One Piece makes sense, because he would believe at some point they would meet the Straw Hats and clash

and he could see what the fuss is about the One Piece, to kill his boredom for a little while