Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yamato never got a W against a named character, her strength is overrated.
Commander level characters like Zoro and Izo were shown having trouble facing many gifter at once.
If Tama threw all of her gifters at her at once, Yamato wouldn't even get to touch Tama.
And guess what Aramaki calls in?
As long as no one like Marco kicks them off the waterfall, they should be able to get in

Besides, what's stopping Fujitora from just making a couple battleships float into Wano?
And unless he's going to fly it in the ship will end up like the sunny and the Moby dick, wrecked on a shore and most of its invasion force will be out of commission

The wano border is one of the reasons Wano is so isolated, not just because they want to be independent from the rest of the world

Its hard to get in but not impossible
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If whatever navigators they have on those ships are good enough to survive the New World, they should be fine
No they aren't otherwise the borders wouldve been breeched a long time ago
And unless he's going to fly it in the ship will end up like the sunny, wrecked on a shore and most of its invasion force will be out of commission

The wano border is one of the reasons Wano is so isolated, not just because they want to be independent from the rest of the world

Its hard to get in but not impossible
I mean Greenbull can make plants
What if he just spawned some of those helicopter flowers on the ship to have it fly?

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
Yamato never got a W against a named character, her strength is overrated.
Commander level characters like Zoro and Izo were shown having trouble facing many gifter at once.
If Tama threw all of her gifters at her at once, Yamato wouldn't even get to touch Tama.
Izo was YC4 at best and Zoro didn't have AdvCoC.

Yamato woulda blown away all the clowns in a instant :ihaha:
I mean Greenbull can make plants
What if he just spawned some of those helicopter flowers on the ship to have it fly?
Its a possibility but he's already invaded moved inland towards Luffy

So unless he calls timeout with the scabbards so he can go get backup, its not likely he's going to go all the way back to the coast and then back to the capital

Regardless this has nothing to do with the next SH
- Not at any point did any of the crewmembers clearly state that they need a lookout
The story STATED the need for someone at this post. This argument is invalid as noone stated the need for a helman EITHER.

- Robin joined without any mention of the crew needing an archaelogist
Exactly, so your are denying (by yourself) your first point.

Wrong, look at chapter 888, there were character designated for this role. Plus it's not even a good argument. The look out post is a well needed post PERIOD. Denying this is just denying how crews are working. You are searching for a way to deny Carrot but I'm sorry, your argumentation is fallacious.

Carrot has been drawn more than 40 time at the post, and NO non strawhat had that kind of protrayal. So if you really think it means nothing, you are just in denial. Oda don't do thing for the fun of it, there is ALWAYS a purpose behind his writing.

I can hole heartedly say, I’ve missed your nonsense explanations.
Nothing is nonsence in what I explain, you might not understand it but it's not my fault. It's your for not looking at the explaination I linked multiple times here.

Why would the Marines bother? Aramaki wants Luffy, he's only fucking with the scabbards because they are shielding Luffy.
Because the world governement wants CONTROL.
With that said Carrot still has a chance as well it just may not be in the way her fanbase wants her to join

At this point it doesn't seem like Luffy is going to ask her to join and Carrot is the "act now and ask later" type
While Yamato is going to ask to join and Luffy having no reason to say no, the same applies to Carrot as well

But she won't just ask, when the crew is sailing away Carrot is likely to have snuck aboard and when they discover her she'll ask to stay... Carrot having a relationship with the crew and Luffy having no reason to refuse, Carrot could join

The biggest issue with this is that given the relationship she has with the crew and her popularity in the community having her sneak on board the ship of her friends and subsequently have to beg to stay is a big middle finger to her as a character
Aye, I really wanted her to redeem herself in Wano through her actions and have Luffy ask her to join. Maybe she has a chance to do something before this arc ends but she's more than likely will sneak aboard again.

The gag will either play out exactly like Inu and Neko, or she'll just be there without anyone noticing and then after a while people catch on. Think Ivonkov when Luffy said Dragon was his dad.

Of course, I wouldn't be happy (though I'll still celebrate lmao) because people will probably clown her for it.

But I can at least roll with it as we at least have a final saga left with no clue on how it's gonna play out or how many arcs there will be. It'll at least allow her to do something down the line
Wrong, look at chapter 888, there were character designated for this role. Plus it's not even a good argument. The look out post is a well needed post PERIOD. Denying this is just denying how crews are working. You are searching for a way to deny Carrot but I'm sorry, your argumentation is fallacious.

Carrot has been drawn more than 40 time at the post, and NO non strawhat had that kind of protrayal. So if you really think it means nothing, you are just in denial. Oda don't do thing for the fun of it, there is ALWAYS a purpose behind his writing.
Show me A SINGLE CHARACTER OF ANY PIRATE CREW that has the Lookout position just like Zoro is combatant, Sanji is a cook or Burgess is a helmsmann.


Use the SBS, the Vivre Cards, the Databooks if you want, but show it to me.
Its a possibility but he's already invaded moved inland towards Luffy

So unless he calls timeout with the scabbards so he can go get backup, its not likely he's going to go all the way back to the coast and then back to the capital
Sure sure, but he did call in a battleship. It'd be weird if he did that only for it to drown off-panel trying to get into Wano
Might just be one of those things where it could get into Wano without explanation

Regardless this has nothing to do with the next SH
I mean, you can't deny that Aramaki being there does lend a lot more credibility to the guardian deity theory. He does provide a threat big enough that it would require Yamato to stay in Wano.

So taking that into account with everything else I mentioned, then that means
1. Yamato has a pretty damn good reason to give up joining the Strawhats
2. A lot of decisions with Yamato's character don't seem to indicate that she's going to join the crew. Whether that be her lack of a role, her Devil Fruit's name, her design, etc.
3. Oda hasn't taken the time to show Yamato bonding with the crew, or even with Luffy for that matter. However he has taken the time to showing her bond with Momo. Additionally, she and Momo seem to be foils to each other as they're practically complete opposites in every way
4. Yamato has had no character arc so far. But Yamato choosing to stay in Wano would show her going down her own path instead of merely imitating the achievements of Kozuki Oden

Granted we'll find out in 2 weeks anyway, but the set-up is all there. If she stays in Wano, it really wouldn't come out of left field if you were paying attention

I'm not saying she can't join but you can't deny that there is at least a very real possibility that she won't, especially given what happened this chapter
I mean, you can't deny that Aramaki being there does lend a lot more credibility to the guardian deity theory. He does provide a threat big enough that it would require Yamato to stay in Wano.
No it doesn't, he's there for Luffy he only poses a threat to Wano because they're guarding Luffy

He may not view them as actual people because they aren't aligned with the WG but his goal is Luffy
Yamato is part of this because she is helping to defend Luffy and by circumstance Wano

Yamato has always had 2 goals, get Kaido out of Wano because she idolizes Oden and the Samurai
And to join Luffys crew

Now that goal 1 is complete and someone is threatening goal 2 and threatening to destroy Wano after she just achieved goal 1
Of course she'd get involved

I dont personally believe in the guardian deity theory because there has been no mention of it by the people of Wano and only by Kaido in the context of making it the guardian of his version of wano

But its the most solid arguement right now, but even with that Yamato wanting to leave is 10 to 1 against role as the "guardian deity"
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Damn you, you rat bastard
I was clean and you dragged me back...


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
But its the most solid arguement right now, but even with that Yamato wanting to leave is 10 to 1 against role as the "guardian deity"
It says a lot about their argument if their "best point" is this barely believable Guardian Deity theory that only stems from a single line said by Kaido when he was dueling Yamato :gokulaugh:
No it doesn't, he's there for Luffy he only poses a threat to Wano because they're guarding Luffy

He may not view them as actual people because they aren't aligned with the WG but his goal is Luffy
Yamato is part of this because she is helping to defend Luffy and by circumstance Wano

Yamato has always had 2 goals, get Kaido out of Wano because she idolizes Oden and the Samurai
And to join Luffys crew

Now that goal 1 is complete and someone is threatening goal 2 and threatening to destroy Wano after she just achieved goal 1
Of course she'd get involved

I dont personally believe in the guardian deity theory because there has been no mention of it by the people of Wano and only by Kaido in the context of making it the guardian of his version of wano

But its the most solid arguement right now, but even with that Yamato wanting to leave is 10 to 1 against role as the "guardian deity"
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Damn you, you rat bastard
I was clean and you dragged me back...
Alright that’s nice and all, but you still haven’t said how Wano would be safe if Yamato were to leave. Some people have said that Momo and the Scabbards could protect it, but there’s no way you actually believe that, right?

Again, the set up for Yamato staying is all there. I’m sorry if you want her to join, but you can’t ignore that
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It says a lot about their argument if their "best point" is this barely believable Guardian Deity theory that only stems from a single line said by Kaido when he was dueling Yamato :gokulaugh:
She gives a whole speech this chapter about protecting Wano but go off
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