Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
Ghostly explained it here
I've joked he might be her father or Beckman will be before tbh. Shanks shagged a blonde Sanjis Mom and they conceived an orange haired girl?
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Film Red in a nutshell:

Uta tries to cause an Infinte Tsukiyomi with her dream powers or w/e. She also tries to commit suicide pretty much. She also gets a bunch of innocent civilians killed by the Marines, after she tried to use them as human shields/hostages to block Shanks from trying to stop her. Turns out Shanks wasnt really there and just part of her dream powers too. Strawhats were just dreaming too. But they listen to her music at the end. IDFK anymore. I hate this film so much.

Not sure if it needs a spoiler tag so fuck it I put one lol.