Break Week Criticizing Oda vs Shitting on Oda

Why do you take it so personal if people insult Oda for? Oda doesn't care about you dude. Also, there is nothing wrong in working at a restaurant. Restaurant workers do a lot more valuable work than drawing a cartoon.
What if the Cartoon has inspired/instill good values to thousands across the world?

Wouldn't that be more valuable than working at a Restaurant?
"good values" lmao :suresure:
everyone is at each other throat in this fandom
Nah, its a genuine question.

Dude, stop it. You guys celebrity worship is getting cultish level. Oda doesn't care about you.
You got it wrong, I'm not worshiping One Piece.

Asking a serious question, some people are alive today because of series like One Piece, Naruto, Avatar that kept them strong during dark times. I'm merely questioning your logic.

I also critize One Piece but unlike you I accept the series for what it is, its not JJK or Hunter x Hunter, no point in spamming threads complaining about the same thing every other week since nothing will change.

Formerly Seth

Exactly, out puny voices over here in Western side doesn't even reach Oda's Editor muchless over himself.

Editor crying over Kinemon who didn't make it into the top 20 most popular character list.

Bruh one of those mfkers is reading hentais at the office. Like what the hell we even talking about, some part of me feels bad for Oda because he once said he'd appreciate genuine criticism or something like that.

His editors are made up from cocksuckers and Shueisha spies making sure to milk One Piece as long as they can.
There is a difference, this dude literally laughs at your face as he collects a billion yen paycheck from shueisha while you work at Burger King for a $7.25 hourly wage. No one cares about you. Everyone cares about Oda.
Then again I already make 6 figures and I am only 26 and my job is a lot more relaxed than Odas job.

Last thing I would want is wanna be mangaka..I would literally have no time for my hobbies like working out, playing tennis, martial arts, piano and bunch of other shit I do.