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Gorosei Informer

Are you having fun Bakazuki?

I swear to God if Oda actually fucking does this...


Oda said in that interview that he wants to back to making things less serious, that he enjoys the Tom and Jerry influence on OP which is deliberate ofc and thus he loves Toon Luffy and it will be here to stay ofc.

My only hope is that Blackbeard will shut that shit down with his Yami fruit but I wouldn't put it past Oda to asspull the fuck past Blackbeards broken as fuck DFs somehow, considering the amount of asspulls he pulled this arc especially with Luffy vs Kaido too.

Multiple powerups and asspulls, Sasuga Goda-sama...

Goofy Luffy's future opponents gonna be like:

Why is Kinyagi so essily baited no one believes Ryokugyu is getting beaten by Momo, at best he got some damage being off guard by Momo's first blast breath fired
but Drumz is implying that the situation bringing tension is over. it was literally just in a question about 1055 not addressed to me at all.

and if that happened then Momo blasted Ryokugyu out of Wano because the situation is resolved.
I mean if people are gonna stop stanning characters because they look "bad" for one chapter then oh boy you are in for a rude awakening with the upcoming final arc where Blackbeard/Shanks/Akainu etc will get defeated
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