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That part unironically gave me PTSD, made me rage extremely hard and pretty much drop the series for quite a while. Which is the greater irony as I'm such an Erza fan too LMAO!

I dare say I saw a similar scenario and issues in this arc (Wano) with a certain character too lol.
Till this day I STILL ponder how Fairy Tail’s mangaka wrote that, showed his editors and they smiled and told him “This the one chief! 🔥”

Gorosei Informer

To me this would literally be dropping the series worthy
Imagine out of all the characters in the series MOMO is the first one to defeat an admiral on-screen?
Not Luff
Not Zoro
Not Sanji
Not Kid
Not Law
Not Yamato
Not an emperor
MOMO? The guy who got captured in 2 seconds last chapter
I don't buy it. Most likely DrumZ reacting over something else or overreacting over Momo landing a hit
Jeez thats a really apt and a strong point right there too. We've not seen an Admiral actually be defeated on-screen yet, as you said not even by our Lord and Saviour Jesus D Nika Sun God Joyboy Luffy so that would be the most BULLSHIT (ironically) scenario if Oda does that!

Even with his Oden 2.0 of Yamato, hes not let her have the win over Aramaki, maybe because he still regards her as female and you know his misogny/female downplaying ofc BUT it seems he's giving us an Oden 3.0 with Momo himself too and if he doubles down on that and makes Momo defeat Green Bull, I genuinely will seethe, mald and mope.

This would be Erza vs the meteor levels of bad genuinely if this happens. An unavoidable, permanent stain on OP's history that will ruin it forever.

(Lol I tried to google words that rhyme with cope and google suggested automatically, "words that rhyme with goofy" LMAO!)
No he's fully correct, being a Luffy fan is literally the most boring shit. We all know where his story is going.
So no character should have fans right by the same logic....everyone "knows" that villain will be defeated on way or other...only other way would be if author go full retard and write a way that goes against the main premise to get tragic ending...or the main character should start as a villain directly...everyone will get either 0 or 1 end.....

you do really know how Luffy story ends? I mean it will end as soon as he becomes pirate king? or war starts before he becomes PK or he becomes PK and the war starts? will he die at the end like Roger? will he contract the same disease like Roger?
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