To speak pragmatically, I think Oda is just trying to wank Aramaki and also Momo for his own personal reasons, well Momo for so for personal reasons ofc but also because of the merch potential. Thats why he had Green Bull using such an all out form/attack already too, going up to 11 from the beginning. I can see some crazy new figures coming from this fight and stuff like Momo going hybrid potentially, his adult form, both human and dragon versions, maybe him actually use the Ame No Habakiri for something finally and then Aramaki himself, using his powers and that gigantic tree man form too.
I think he really wants to cause hype ASAP to boost sales and excite new readers naturally too as he did say, "its ok to start reading OP from now (and implied its fine to skip most of the series and arcs apparently) and thus thats why hes having Shanks show up so suddenly too and that brief flashback of him and Luffy, which was pretty sweet and nice too.
Don't be surprised if we suddenly see Blackbeard, Aokiji, Garp, Dragon, Mihawk etc somehow soon and honestly we really should since its the final saga now and we've been waiting years now too.
Oda probably been purposely waiting to save Vegapunk to unveil him for the final saga as one of his secret/top weapons for building hype and giving the final arc more oomph to deliver on that expectations and hype or something.
Its hilarious and depressing how the Reverie mini arc is such an extreme contast to Wano in many ways. In just a few chapters it felt far superior to this 150 chapters of Wano now or whatever it is, a mere 6 chapters, a drop in the ocean compared to Wano and its 4 years of running and Act 3 STILL GOING SOMEHOW! At this point I think Oda has just abandoned or forgotten the acts structure too ofc. Theres no way in Hell theres anymore acts now ofc.