Story of ZKK - nik87 and Finalbeta edition

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Imagine lolis and Charlotte taking an IQ test. Would their total score add up to 200? Probably not. :usoprice:
I've academically excelled my whole life and I'm currently working on my field, which I enjoy. If my IQ test happened to be low I couldn't care less because I'm always achieving what I intend, and since my self-concept doesn't revolve around a number no proper adult cares about (you will find out once you get to know the real world) I don't even plan on wasting my time on an assessment of my intelligence that shall take hours if not days to be done properly.

Also the latter guy claimed he would ignore me, but maybe he is not smart enough to remember his statement and also stick to it in a coherent way and know the incoherence would show up probably but he keeps insisting on his faulty logics.
I remember the statement perfectly, but I just reconsidered it since you're too much of a poisonous person you truly are to not address it when needed. Not for you, since you will only change once you grow as a person, but for the others.

By the way, next time you attack my faulty logics I'd appreciate you to counter them with another fake quote intended as an ad verecundiam fallacy; that fits your scientific, genius status better. And don't just delete the post to publish it again; an edit is enough.


Zoro Worshipper
I've academically excelled my whole life and I'm currently working on my field, which I enjoy. If my IQ test happened to be low I couldn't care less because I'm always achieving what I intend, and since my self-concept doesn't revolve around a number no proper adult cares about (you will find out once you get to know the real world) I don't even plan on wasting my time on an assessment of my intelligence that shall take hours if not days to be done properly.

I remember the statement perfectly, but I just reconsidered it since you're too much of a poisonous person you truly are to not address it when needed. Not for you, since you will only change once you grow as a person, but for the others.

By the way, next time you attack my faulty logics I'd appreciate you to counter them with another fake quote intended as an ad verecundiam fallacy; that fits your scientific, genius status better.
I did already address the faulty logics in the past though.:milaugh:

You keep insisting on this stupid stuff that I fail at manga knowledge ignoring that I care almost 0 about this series and have always been here for the shitpost prominently. I didn't even put the slight effort to properly acquire a lot of knowledge because I literally didn't care to, makes sense I don't even read the manga. I limited myself to read discussions and spoilers in a shallow manner.

Literally any activity I did on here was pushed forward by me in a chill and not much interested way, except for the time I would post scientific content on my profile page, which I cared about much more.

And my English language skills are much better than you despite I'm no mother tongue.

But I admit I'm much more of a problem solver and pattern recognition / out of the box mathematical and abstract thinking guy than verbal intelligence guy, this is why I'm member of Mensa.
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I did already address the faulty logics in the past though.:milaugh:

You keep insisting on this stupid stuff that I fail at manga knowledge ignoring that I care almost 0 about this series and have always been here for the shitpost prominently. I didn't even put the slight effort to properly acquire a lot of knowledge because I literally didn't care to, makes sense I don't even read the manga. I limited myself to read discussions and spoilers in a shallow manner.

Literally any activity I did on here was pushed forward by me in a chill and not much interested way, except for the time I would post scientific content on my profile page, which I cared about much more.

And my English language skills are much better than your dumb lack of awareness being does realize, despite I'm no mother tongue.

But I admit I'm much more of a problem solver and pattern recognition / out of the box thinking guy than verbal intelligence guy, this is why I'm member of Mensa.
You obviously care about this manga enough to be the user with the most posts plus spend two-to-three hours in this forum. Doing this while not really reading it is an act of stupidity; not trolling, not disinterest, but pointless absurdity. You clearly don't "care almost 0 about this series" and if you truly do then you're the most willingly wasteful of his own time individual I've ever come across.

Your English language skills are those of a person who has structural trouble with communication, hence why you fall for common bad habits like systematically replacing one word for a more unusual alternative; abusing adverbs when they don't add any information of value; misusing synonyms as you fail at getting the nuances and pragmatics of what's signified (hence why you'd abuse "bewildering" to address Zoro since I bet you wanted a fancier word for something like impressive yet couldn't grasp the proper connotation of confusion behind what you chose); or plainly ignoring the meaning of the words you use (remember your euphemism fail?). Not to mention that you couldn't even boast your English skills without failing to write a correct sentence (what's that "despite I'm no mother tongue"?). I've seen these mistakes in people with language issues at a cognitive level (which would be expected since, as you usually state, you have Asperger's) and in youngsters trying to sound smart.

I couldn't care less about you being a Mensa member, but again you show that your self-concept is built on something nobody really cares about in the real world. Which is even funnier once you take into account that you don't even know for sure whether you're the smarter guy in the interactions you have, but of course you will assume so because of your baseless ego.
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I had to incarnate from lurkerdom and make an account just to point out how cringe it is to ego trip on a forum about a manga you don't even read, flaunting things like "IQ", "scientific career", and "Mensa membership". Yep, I made an account specifically for you, to point out how trash your superiority complex is. What scientific field is that, by the way? I would've thought that your scientific endeavors would've taught you some form of intellectual humility and admission of human fallibility. But you seem to think you're infallible, a truly superior being.

Maybe you're more of a math guy? You did an integration by parts in the first post. Are you more of a Riemann or a Lebesgue integral guy? 😉
Why would you do this to yourself?
If your talking to me, no other use for my degree until I get a master except to debunk flimsy foundations for wanna-be mathematical analysts.

By the way, from my observations math ability isn't correlated with intelligence, but w/ the ability to do math. Likewise w/ physics, it is domain-dependent competence. So I am curious, maybe he knows a secret for universal intelligence that I don't.
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I had to incarnate from lurkerdom and make an account just to point out how cringe it is to ego trip on a forum about a manga you don't even read, flaunting things like "IQ", "scientific career", and "Mensa membership". Yep, I made an account specifically for you, to point out how trash your superiority complex is. What scientific field is that, by the way? I would've thought that your scientific endeavors would've taught you some form of intellectual humility and admission of human fallibility. But you seem to think you're infallible, a truly superior being.

Maybe you're more of a math guy? You did an integration by parts in the first post. Are you more of a Riemann or a Lebesgue integral guy? 😉
A lot of people call him out on this already but nun change much lol all you can do just laugh


If your talking to me, no other use for my degree until I get a master except to debunk flimsy foundations for wanna-be mathematical analysts.

By the way, from my observations math ability isn't correlated with intelligence, but w/ the ability to do math. Likewise w/ physics, it is domain-dependent competence. So I am curious, maybe he knows a secret for universal intelligence that I don't.
You must be new here if i was talking to you i would have replied to you i was talking to the threadmaker


Zoro Worshipper
If your talking to me, no other use for my degree until I get a master except to debunk flimsy foundations for wanna-be mathematical analysts.

By the way, from my observations math ability isn't correlated with intelligence, but w/ the ability to do math. Likewise w/ physics, it is domain-dependent competence. So I am curious, maybe he knows a secret for universal intelligence that I don't.
No offence but claiming that mathematics is not correlated with intelligence is one of the stupidest things I did ever read on this site and trust me there was a lot going on here.

Not only most modern IQ tests that are culture free are based off mathematical and logical structures for scoring candidates (involving pattern recognition too), but there's a reason why dogs cannot be taught Calculus. And not every human being can be capable to grasp certain levels of mathematics. No matter how hard they try, expecially if a deep understanding is involved.

Of course it's just some domains of intelligence and not all.

Also I did never claim I'm infallible. Or implicated such. I'm aware that I still got a lot to learn in my field for starters.

And I never typed about universal intelligence, but Mensa IQ tests measure one of the most fundamental types of intelligence, which is fluid.
No offence but claiming that mathematics is not correlated with intelligence is one of the stupidest things I did ever read on this site and trust me there was a lot going on here.

Not only most modern IQ tests that are culture free are based off mathematical and logical structures for scoring candidates (involving pattern recognition too), but there's a reason why dogs cannot be taught Calculus. And not every human being can be capable to grasp certain levels of mathematics. No matter how hard they try, expecially if a deep understanding is involved.

Also I did never claim I'm infallible. Or implicated such. I'm aware that I still got a lot to learn in my field for starters.
You are flaunting your intelligence through your godly scientific capabilities and referencing math analysis 1 on a one piece forum to flex. Tell me what your field is if I am so stupid, then we'll talk.
Must be tough to be intellectually inferior.
Incredible how an intellectually superior dude like you can't find the basement exit
Sometimes the brightest minds really get lost in such little things...

Did your top notch IQ ever help you in getting some real life goals anyway?

Cause I'm tellin you a little truth right now:
People out there don't care about that IQ number or how fancy you can talk, they care of who is proactive and does shit.

And by flexing your presumed intellectual superiority on this forum you just sound like a quaquaraquà.
You're italian, you should know what that word means.


Zoro Worshipper
Incredible how an intellectually superior dude like you can't find the basement exit
Sometimes the brightest minds really get lost in such little things...

Did your top notch IQ ever help you in getting some real life goals anyway?

Cause I'm tellin you a little truth right now:
People out there don't care about that IQ number or how fancy you can talk, they care of who is proactive and does shit.

And by flexing your presumed intellectual superiority on this forum you just sound like a quaquaraquà.
You're italian, you should know what that word means.
Of course I have life goals.

I'm about to graduate in engineering and plan to work for the progress of science and technology.

Most people on this site are probably going to work much less hard than I'm doing and will most likely keep doing.

And I only flex about IQ when I'm harassed by the usual inferior idiots like that Charlotte guy who tries to belittle me with his nonsense everytime he gets illuded to have found an opening, just like that waste of human being solis, to name a couple.

Those little insects.
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