Who's the better troll?

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I really don't have time for your retarded takes today. Smarten up like 4 standard deviations and then we can have a conversation. Easiest way to do this is to get off your knees and stop servicing Lee.
Why do you keep bringing @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung like he lives rent free in your head.

I am just calling it how it is.
There are two sides to each coin.

Calling Green Bull fodder because he chose not to fight Shanks along side his entire crew when he has Luffy and others to face is just as dumb as what I am saying and if it wasn't clear I was actually being sarcastic.

No shit an admirals won't wanna pick a fight with Red Hair Pirates without prep just like they won't fight Rayleigh without prep.

Was Garp being a weak little pussy when he told his men to not fuck with Rayleigh? Does that make Garp fodder to Rayleigh.

Overhyping the living shit out of moments while ignoring context is something Yonko turds have been doing for years.


The only one who can beat me is me
Does he really even have to take them on tho
it seems like he doesnt even want the risk of being seen by them .

its fine and dandy if you come face to face with your opponent , see what they got before realizing you are outmatched

but sensing his conquerors
and avoiding it all together sounds a lot like a pussy.

this is the type of shit BB pulled pos mf and I felt the exact same way I feel now.
It all depends on how its portrayed. Is he shitting his pants drenched in sweat, or does he simply just decide it's not worth it anymore. There's absolutely nothing wrong with leaving in that situation given how outmanned you are.

WB and them avoided unnecessary battles against fodder marines, Aramaki had no intention of dealing with Shanks and his crew right now. An entire Yonkou crew randomly appearing isn't something he factored into this whole plot.
Dude people may think just bcz momo burned plants that GB produced as damaged then we can consider that as bullshit bcz greenbull is logia.
"Unlike most other Logias, this fruit turns the user into a solid element instead of a fluid, making it similar to the Hie Hie no Mi (which deals with equally solid ice). This means the user is unable to let attacks pass through their body."
There you have your explanation why Momo can bite or burn him
Lmfao....everyone with their own agenda dfkm. It might just be one of those elemental disadvantages, where he manages to burn his roots or something. Doubt it's anything critical. Fire should be a weakness for his forest.
It doesn't matter if it is an elemental disadvantage. You don't become an admiral if all it takes is an "elemental advantage". You don't write an 8 year old damaging an admiral. That should be common sense but Oda obviously has lost it.
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