Who's the better troll?

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Gorosei Informer

So a mid chapter too where barely anything happens too then? Some people were right then, seems like a setup/filler/transition chapter or whatever. No wonder we didn't get pre-emptive leaks.

Wano used to be bigger is interesting though. Its guaranteed the poneglyph and Pluton are underneath the sea then? Wano has to be drained?
I remember a meme of Zunesha draining it with its trunk when it actually came to Wano to do absolutely nothing lmfao.
Doubt it, and I doubt you believe that lmfao.
Lets see what anime shows but I am leaning towards that now tbh

Oda showed King as superior to Marco in pretty much every way
Had him demolish big mom and her entire crew

Had Zoro block double yonko attack and scare big mom shitless and scar kaido for life

Yet give Zoro advCoC to beat King

I doubt in fresh 1v1 Green Bull is doing that
If Boro Breath does heavy damage than dragon magma attack knocks him out.

Zoro did say I'll scar you so bad you'll never recover

For starters I think just like Marco big mom needs high diff to beat King as well
That‘s a chapter a really like ,going with the spoilers there is the long awaited Wano Kuni Lore part i‘ve been waiting forever :steef:
So wano was bigger before ,but now is smaller because of the rising sea level .
Why has the sea level risen :wonderland:
Ancient Wano im hyped for this gotta tell you that :lunazing:


The only one who can beat me is me
Lets see what anime shows but I am leaning towards that now tbh

Oda showed King as superior to Marco in pretty much every way
Had him demolish big mom and her entire crew

Had Zoro block double yonko attack and scare big mom shitless and scar kaido for life

Yet give Zoro advCoC to beat King

I doubt in fresh 1v1 Green Bull is doing that
If Boro Breath does heavy damage than dragon magma attack knocks him out.

Zoro did say I'll scar you so bad you'll never recover

For starters I think just like Marco big mom needs high diff to beat King as well
You're not far off there. Mid diff at least for Big Mom to defeat King. But the thing is that's why it makes GB intro so insane. The fact that you can't believe he did that, and have to come up with all of this just backs how insane of a feat it is.
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