Who's the better troll?

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Yoo Redon just posted on Twitter that Kaido is still alive and his first words are

- "Man, I wish my character could get a good movie too like Film Red is, in all theatres starting from August 8th! Worororororo!"

Can you confirm it? @AwakenedCabbage
Greenbull states he wouldn't even attack them if Kaido was around and he left when he sensed Shanks' CoC. That's against two different emperors. I guess that's why Akainu warned him since he obviously underestimated the alliance and the man who took Kaido down (I guess Aramaki thought the entire alliance defeated Kaido and not just Luffy).
He most likely assumed it was a fluke and was pissed a rookie was getting so much credit
Ok so is GB retarded? Seriously he would have come if Kaidou would be there but want to go against an alliance of Luffy and Co?

And Uta is canon now like Shiki and Zephyr. Seems like only Teroso is left in the dust. Still the movie won't be canon as there is no Yamato
GB shows fear against two emperors this chapter and Kizaru is not far stronger than Greenbull of course. On the other hand, Greenbull fears someone who was defeated by the one Greenbull wanted to take his head. Is he stupid?
How is it fear if GB is going after an allaince that defeated both Kaido and Big Mom ?

Kaido along with Shanks are untouchable due to support of the WG. Kaido is like this because of being the head of all the weaponary dealings. Shanks is because of his relationship with the Gorosei.

This chap is just affirming GB is a Gorosei ....well...dog.
Ok so is GB retarded? Seriously he would have come if Kaidou would be there but want to go against an alliance of Luffy and Co?

And Uta is canon now like Shiki and Zephyr. Seems like only Teroso is left in the dust. Still the movie won't be canon as there is no Yamato
No Ryokugyu is improvising, from half dead yonko to half dead commanders
Greenbull states he wouldn't even attack them if Kaido was around and he left when he sensed Shanks' CoC. That's against two different emperors. I guess that's why Akainu warned him since he obviously underestimated the alliance and the man who took Kaido down (I guess Aramaki thought the entire alliance defeated Kaido and not just Luffy).
man start to think logically please...
Greenbull went after an alliance that defeated both big mom and kaido combined...
He does not fear an alliance that defeated big mom and kaido combined...
It's apparent that fear/powerlevel is not the reason for why he would not come to wano if Kaido was still around.
And he doesn't want smoke with Shanks for similar reasons which are ties to the WG.

Sasaki Kojirō


- They don't fully enter Wano until they are sure KAIDOU has fallen, they left their troops in the Wano Sea the whole time because Kaidou was still fighting.

- 5 elders afraid to provoke Kaidou's fury.

- Aramaki admitting that if Kaidou was in Wano he wouldn't have come.

- Shanks coming to Wano only after Kaidou falls with Shanks being the only one alive after Luffy to be able to fight KAIDOU.

- Whitebeard thought several times about attacking Wano but he never went, because the man that not even KOUZUKI ODEN could defeat was there.

- Blackbeard when talking about Wano he says: "Where is that fearsome monster Kaidou is".

How does you not believing it change the fact that everyone including Shanks was theorizing about WG connections? Your power level dribble is irrelevant.
Everyone wasn’t tho… the tiny ass group u think “everybody”. Not actually even a large portion of the fan base lol. Nobody really supports that theory other then coping admiral tards.

Rogers crew seen as devils by the WG, an on the completely random change shanks was working with them. Why tf would they keep that secret? An why would greenbull retreat when apparently an ally shown up? Doesn’t even begin to make sense.
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