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If GB was truly afraid of Kaido's PL...he'd have been wary of Yamato, son of Kaido who just showed good haki. Instead he just casually ignores her.
e did not ignore her ,it's bcz of momo yamato did not interfere so greenbull didn't mention her. Otherwise the first thing that greenbull told was him acknowledging Yamato's haki and he being felt pain from that. (Remember yamato is in her base form).
Lol so Green Bull doesn’t rate Luffy and other supernova still?? I get his suspicion and it’s true since Luffy and other supernova did not defeat the yonkos in a one vs one (when both of them were fresh). Still I would have liked for a short clash between Luffy and Greenbull and Luffy proving to Greenbull that he is really strong and capable of defeating him.
Chapter making Uta canon is interesting. So Momo can mirror whatever Kaido can do (except of course the haki parts). Yonko are still damn hype lol. Luffy need to do even more to get that respect from Marines and Admirals I guess. Understandable
GB is just cocky and was underestimating Luffy, he should fear him as much as he fears Shanks and Kaido
What a weird coincidence that all of these Pirates were revealed to be frauds who were never actually the strongest by the canon, lol
Xebec was the strongest of his time
After xebec roger was the strongest
After roger then newgate
After newgate then kaido
After kaido its likely shanks or teach currently
Teach eventually going to be the strongest if he isn't currently


Welcome to the House of Hope
Shanks appearance is just forced like with Marineford and blatantly not intentional for narrative purposes.
Too soon to tell. Pretty sure it is the kick to give the SH's a new direction to go. We have 3 RP's but still no info on the last one. Where do we go now? Shanks' plot could be what gives us the next destination.

Green Bull is just being used as a hype tool so far and not even getting to face Luffy and the others, although Luffy would end up clowning him with Gear 5 even literally, lets be honest.
It's the final saga. Eventually people would have to accept that the Admirals would stop being these "entities" and would become "the next opponents". CP9 had a worst treatment by far. They are introduced in Water7 as genuinely invincible. Cut to EL and we have Nami beating one of them 1v1. Nothing different from other shounens. At least Oda does a semi-decent job in taking the time to create enemies for others SH's, different from others that just become a complete self masturbation of the MC and maybe the deuteragonist while the rest of the cast are just forgotten.

Lack of bounties for everyone else.
I feel ya. But it's coming. Relax.

Oda just telling us what happened at the Reverie again but not even full info either, just highlights and teases again and we still dont know what actually went down and what happened there as a result.
I think that's pretty ok. We got the developments from the first part, and now we have the setup for explore the rest of it maybe on a proper arc.

We still dont know whats happened to Boa and Vivi despite Oda saying we'll find out 2 years ago and I dont count Vivi going "missing" as valid enough information either.
Same thing as what I said above.

Yamato suddenly announces shes Kaidos son and thus not only the son shit again, but shes choosing Kaido as her identity rather than Oden now?
She never denied she was Kaido's son. The "I'm Oden" has nothing to do with it. lol.

Sabo is grossly overshadowing Dragon suddenly and being turned into a real Gary Stu.
Cap. Take a deep breath and two steps back. Dragon is the LEADER of the Revo Army. Sabo became its public face. That's all.

Oda is really making Aramaki look bad with this chapter too and honestly I hate the aged up Momonosuke storyline in hindsight, especially since its had no real consequences for him and his DF seems to be an almost perfect clone of Kaidos after all, despite being a "failure" too.
Same. Old Momo plot is garbage and Oda is sacrificing an Admiral for even more "wano wank". We can only hope we'll be out of this shit hole in 4-5 chapters max.

Blackbeard is still desperately fighting for relevancy and we had no idea what he was after, what happened with that too.
We will learn what he did probably on the same chapter we get the bounties. I still like the idea that the Vinsmokes are not the only intruders in WCI and BB went there to get the RP.

We still don't know what happened to the Warlords. Nor how the fuck Buggy has become a Yonko and his bounty too.
We'll get to it when we get the bounties, etc.

Shanks is trying to dip from Wano after coming there just to chase down one of Luffys fleet captains and a mere rookie? Fuck off Oda. This constant baiting with Shanks screentime, role and meeting Luffy, i'm sick of it.
We learned he uses CoC and people in the middle of the Flower Capital sense it. Either he used a CoC that travels so far, it's country-sized, or he entered Wano. And if he did, what is he planning? This part in intriguing me.

This chapter feels just like filler so far and given Oda had a month break, its honestly pitiful so far.
Apparently we are getting a bunch of lore here. Wouldn't count that as "filler". :P

So Wano is suddenly much bigger than it is now and this has never come up before? We still dont know where Pluton is in Wano too but I'm assuming its underwater/underneath the current mainland of Wano and for all we know, thats one of the keys to the One Piece that Big Mom was saying was rumoured to be in Wano or w/e when she was defeated.
So her and Kaido may have just been killed right near to Pluton without even knowing, assuming they are actually dead and Oda doesn't have them magically reappear later too.
Kaido did say their plan was to take an Ancient Weapon and wage war against the WG. So maybe he did know something about Pluton?

Wano is still not over yet either and it feels like Oda is stalling again, dragging shit out. Its funny Green Bull is here with tree powers because the pacing feels like its moving like a tree at times.
I think it's way better already than the entire Onigashima. it's just that we got that 1-month break. We literally have only 2 chapters.

Fuck man, I know I'm bitter and I'm nit picking and such a lot too but these chapters are fucking dreadful and making fun of us. Oda's recent interview has just proven a lot of suspicions I have too and made things much worse too as well.
Yeah, Oda saying he's gonna do stuff even knowing his audience wont like it seems kinda wack. But overall, not that dreadful.

I just want not even Wano but One Piece to end and be over with it already, put me and a lot of other people out of our misery instead of constantly baiting us and milking this shit further Oda. I'm sick of his baits, wild goose chases, carrots on a stick, silhouettes, offscreens and so on.
I just wanted Wano to end and it did. And I've been enjoying these 2 chapters. Literally the only thing I disliked in these chapters is the "momo moment".
The entire community always had this idea that Shanks would have the strongest Conqueror's Haki

and we saw with Shanks causing real damage to Whitebeard's ship with just his base Conqueror's

so, why the fuck did we think Shanks was just gonna be an idol / mentor to Luffy and not do anything?

If he has the most powerful Conqueror's, that means this dude has the biggest ambition out there, to stand above others

It doesn't make sense for Shanks to just be a party drunk who fucks around and is waiting for Luffy to become Pirate King
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