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@ShishioIsBack just read the info about Film Red after casting an eye on it here.
"Per the aforementioned leaks, there’s apparently a scene in One Piece Film: Red in which Kizaru witnesses Shanks knock out Momonga with his Conqueror’s Haki. This apparently has Kizaru sweating, and choosing not to fight Shanks due to the sheer level of destruction their battle would cause."

If that shit's canon, Shanks' CoC truly is unparalleled. Not saying Rayleigh could not have pulled off the same, but you gotta judge the feats.


The Rogue Prince
BM has only used her sword to manipulate the shape of her laser attacks that's its function and nothing more. Misery leaves Nep after the manipulation was over. So not how the hell are you saying they're undoubtedly connected when they are undoubtedly separated from him????
Does it leave Napoleon here? [1]

Jinbei washing the castle floor by floor has nothing to do with the fact that Jinbei acknowledges that he can wash all off of the flames in Onigashima and only hope he did it IN TIME.
Difference is in Onigashima he's hoping to make sure that the Flames get washed off floor after floor quick enough to extinguish them whereas that's not the case with Prometheus. Jinbe never said something along the likes of "Give me enough water and I'll extinguish all of Onigashima in a Jujutsu move."

You redirect my point to mean something else again :okay:
You made it sound like Kaidou thought Linlin cannot be defeated at all, whereas the actual thought was that Linlin cannot be defeated by Kid & Law.
The meltdown definitely hit us hard no excuses. At least later on i came to my senses remembering how anti admiral driven the fraudulent trio "providers" are.

Our boi wiwi left us with peak literature though. Shit was hilarious.

Kinyagi....just fuck that traitor.
Kinyagi was drunk
We can forgive him
He was just a little bit too weak and drowned his sadness in alcohol


When were you under the impression this game is..
"Aramaki retreats after Shanks COC" when he retreats instead of taking on Shanks & the Red Hair Pirates & the Alliance (Two antagonistic powerful groups) at the same time.

"Had Kaido been alive I wouldnt have come."
Yes, because when Kaido was present the Govt was actively even doing business with Kaido through Joker & then CP0.

Amazing how plot points are being twisted into PL statements by ignoring context.
Yes, this is likely what Oda meant in his manga for children/teens. Business partnership is why GB said that, totally mate.

Its not that bad mate, he admitted inferiority to Kaido which is fine, doesnt mean Kaido mid diffs him you know. He just knows his place.
Look buddy, I know you don't wanna accept it but Oda laid out the facts many times. Mihawk > Shanks.
Shanks hype = Automatic Mihawk hype as his superior, that's how it works, don't blame me.
I can get behind Shanks ~ Mihawk or even see Mihawk as 2nd strongest even above Kaido
but when he earned it

until then, Mihawk fandom should simply and humbly accept Shanks has FAR better hype than Mihawk
and hold their peace

Mihawk have VERY bad stock as of now
respect has to be EARNED
I didn't blame you ... I said Mihawk stock is fucked up


When were you under the impression this game is..
Close to Roger (pushes him to extreme diff). I guess equal to current Shanks, with 2 armed Shanks being ~ Roger. Yes, I believe the difference between 1 armed and 2 armed Shanks shouldn't be big, 1) because the main source of Shanks' power is Haki and he is a formidable swordsman in any case, also having adapted to his one arm while fighting his way through the new world for years and establishing his position.
Whats your tier list rn.
Greenbull looked like he could have been a future Zoro opponent but the way he’s being portrayed looks like it will be Sanji who fights this Admiral.

Kizaru is the Right hand of Akainu he will likely fight Zoro. It makes more sense. Cause Oda does treat Zoros opponents like this. Not in a million years…..
So you're saying Zoro is not fighting Mihawk as his last opponent?

Mihawk's treatment is most likely the worst ever for someone who is supposed to be a Top Tier

Bringing up those panels of Luffy dodging him freely in Marineford, the same Luffy who gets clapped by all the Admirals quickly, in the same situations, doesn't do him any good.

Unless Oda changes that very soon of course
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