I fell like either these early providers are retards or do this shit on purpose or they are getting paid by Redon to look like fools. Every single time they do this shit of giving biased leaks, always with an agenda it would seem.
Really don't like Yamato resorting to asking for Luffy's help again, first again Kaido and now GB, talk about staining a handful of the very strongest by being such a bitch. That is so unlike a CoC user.
Are Shanks and GB having some sort of conversation, the way GB's dialogue is shown it seems like he is asking questions and getting answers. And what is about Shanks damaging his own rookies, I thought Rayleigh said that control of CoC allows one to target the main targets and not knockout innocent bystanders like how he did in the auction house. Why is Shanks CoC aimed at GB hurting his own members?
If they got Pluton in the basement then what was the point of Franky seeing the blueprints? Is he going to make a new one or fix the old one?
The retards flooded their own country by building those walls. How much rain would actually be needed to flood a whole country like and for how long did it rain that the water didn't evaporate?