Who's the better troll?

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Antagonist* lol. While he is aiding Luffy in some ways, he's also directly competing with him over One Piece, and as such is technically an antagonist.

However my point never was that Shanks was this evil Mastermind. Yes, something is going on with him. He's super enigmatic and has a role to play. Yes, hes highly respectful, but hes also brutal and violent. Yes he's nice to the common people and all about peace, but he also oddly can talk to Gorosei (which really is the weirdest aspect to his character).

Whether or not he actually plays an antagonistic role or is just a good ally in the end...no idea. This chapter and last seem to contradict each other. On one hand he stops an Admiral for Luffy/Momo, on the other he aims to take care of Barto/Aim for One Piece.
Shanks is hype tool for Blackbeard
Someone needs to sacrifice
I will be not surprise if Akainu and Dragon end up being hype tool for Imu
Lmao, she got captured by one branch. As I said earlier, good luck fighting the real deal when she couldn't even defend herself against one branch. Perhaps, if she was fighting in hybrid, she could fight two branches or at most 3 branches while real GB drinks coffee or something.
Let’s not go full brain dead. That’s like basically saying hybrid Kaido can only defend himself from 3 branches. Which obviously moronic
Why did GB make a new body?
Well, a plant is not some "element" like Light, Lava, etc.
If his main body was burned, how do you "reassemble" a burned plant?
He just grows another plant.
It's nothing but a fruit gimmick due to the unique characteristic of his type.
Bro you Realize you trying to speak logics to people who got dropped on their heads has kids right.
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