Who's the better troll?

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A week passed.
"Our heroes are still recovering"
A week is still passed. You guys can take this statement as cope all you want. It's only logical to assume that after a battle they're still recovering. Doesn't change the fact that outside of Luffy and Zoro basically everyone is at absolute peak condition. It's a general term that you guys apply to everyone.

Law, Kid, Sanji and Jinbe are all totally fine.
Oda is already planting the seeds for Sanji versus Ryokugyu's money machine. I can clearly foresee the same power junkies but ten years older fighting over how Lanji's victory is worthless because his admiral was hurt by Momonosuke and ran away from Shanks, only to be answered by how Zolo's adversary couldn't go past old rusty Rayleigh nor defeat Marco without Onigumo's help.
Zoro fights gimmicky or impossible to hurt characters, unfortunately this isn't the Admirals case, this will only happen if Luffy takes on Akainu but this chapter already gave us the answer, Luffy and Zoro don't give a fuck about the Admirals, Zoro was more impressed with Momo's growth.


And there we go :sadgrin:

Proclaimed directly to Yamutto's face that if there's a powerful figure in Wano, they'll be able to deter invaders.

You don't need to be Einstein to realise that figure obviously isn't going to be Momo. Excluding the omniscient narrator stating Momo lacks strength a few chapters back, GB literally laughs at the idea and was seconds away from making the world's first dragon shish kebab, if it wasn't for (an outsider) Shanks saving his ass. Hence definitively proving that whilst Momo may have the dedication and will, it's clear as day that he doesn't have the strength to actually protect the country on his own.

Momo wants the "people of Wano" to be able to take care of themselves. Which is gonna culminate in Yamao being accepted as a samurai, retainer and their newest guardian figure to replace her father. It was honourable of Momo to grant her leave, but nonetheless, she will stay by her masters side like the good dog that she is.
Theres the image again @Jew D. Boy :suresure:
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