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I'd like to note that King and Queen were not only injured and in custody at a prison, but mentally unstable as their entire crew crumbled before them and everything they had amassed was taken back, and in base form, meanwhile Aramaki was completely physically and mentally healthy and used a moisture extracting technique to incapacitate them even worse than they already were.
Y’all are flipping shit over nothing lmfao, you and Kinyagi both have some serious Chore Boy duties to attend to.
Don't lump me together with that Bum. I've explained in several posts before how all those narrative plot points were proven wrong in this very chapter. But since Oda is on crack he thinks he's doing Wano or the samurai a service with giving them a fake accomplishment.

Wano could not defend itself. It’s strongest fighters got hilariously negged, Momo got off one miraculous Boro Breath which accomplished nothing aside from stalling the scabbards inevitable death had Shanks not intervened lmfao.
Yes they couldn't. Said that before.
He is. He would be a corpse if not for Shanks right now.
Yep, also said that before.

Green Bull would’ve just turned tail and left without specifying that he does in fact want to fight Shanks, this still would not be definitive proof that Shanks was any stronger than him, since there would still be the element of Green Bull being completely by himself vs 3 entire Yonko crews lol.

But the fact that Green Bull stated that he does want to fight Shanks even after being struck by a surprise CoC blast proves that the CoC moment is being taken out of context to push agendas lol. You don’t explicitly stated that you’re eager to fight someone who can low diff you lmfao, you explicitly avoid all contact with such an individual, but that’s not what Green Bull is saying.
It's the manner in which Oda presented it with which i have an issue with. Completely overblown with making it seem like GB is in pain and can't move. Shanks can't magically low diff an Admiral now.

Then wtf was the point of this post bro? Wtf was the point of saying that Wano can defend itself from an Admiral while moments later stating that it’s helpless fighters are helpless against him lmfao?

I expect a certain level of non-sentient unintelligible screeching howler monkey behavior from Yonko fans, this is nothing new. But to see such maidenless behavior from Admiral “fans” is insulting. Disgraceful.
The point being that Oda is a contradictory fraud. He's content with giving Momo and Wano fake out W's making them believe they can protect their country when they actually can't. It's retarded writing on the expense of the new Admiral.

Overall still not satisfied at all with Aramaki's introduction.
I'd like to note that King and Queen were not only injured and in custody at a prison, but mentally unstable as their entire crew crumbled before them and everything they had amassed was taken back, and in base form, meanwhile Aramaki was completely physically and mentally healthy and used a moisture extracting technique to incapacitate them even worse than they already were.
Sure. Sure. Now how about delivering some proof for those baseless assumptions?

King was clearly shown outside of the prison cell as the inside of the cell is pitch black proven earlier with Kawamatsu. Where are the shackles ?



The only one who can beat me is me
No one actually believe that if you read DR and knew his motives , plus at the time people still had sabo around the yc1 level with fuji playing around and still getting the upper hand on him.
GB has people questioning 1 yonko>2-3 admirals , I’m in discord servers who had GB>BM now change it to BM>GB, Beckmann>admirals

Ngl that was hype , until momo was doing what he do :josad:

Yeah, but even oda made her look good bud her temp beating two yc1+ fighters

Gotta hear the yonko fans mouth til an admiral gets another hype moment again
Now I know you've lost it saying Oda made Big Mom look good lmfaooo, her final attack was Misery dude. Something Law dealt with without even using his devil fruit. Can Law even defeat Chopper without using his df?

Who gives a shit about reactionary takes, you're gonna cry over reactionary takes? You realize for an Admiral to be seen equal to a Yonkou in this hero driven fandom (where marines are the opposition group and the SHs are grouped with pirates), he has be twice as impressive as the Yonkou, it's simply how the bias in this fandom works. Proof of this is the fact that you're saying people are already switching back to BM > GB when all GB really did was run from an entire Yonkou crew, when we've literally seen prime WB run from fodder marines, we know Shanks made Kaidou pack his shit and head back to Wano with King beside him, the standard is insanely high for Admirals.

The unanimous GB > BM takes were obviously never gonna last long because Oda was never gonna maintain GB lookin twice as impressive as the Yonkou, he did it momentarily with the King and Queen feat which left people no choice, and you still had pushback.

Stop crying over discord reactions before the chapter even comes out lmao, why do you care what hypebeasts say, none of this changes the reality of the situation. GB's feats are objectively better than Big Mom's already.
Don't even try, you know how Fujitora's heart beats for the people
Shanks' heart beats for the lives of people even more. Like Shanks literally cares more about Marine life than Akainu, Aramaki and a lot of other marines. Akainu blowing up civilian ships, Onigumo blowing up Marine ships with thousands of people on it, Akainu willing to kill Marines that point out that people are dying unnecessarily.

Like, if you argue Admirals hold back due to civilians, Shanks would hold back even more.
Shanks' heart beats for the lives of people even more. Like Shanks literally cares more about Marine life than Akainu, Aramaki and a lot of other marines. Akainu blowing up civilian ships, Onigumo blowing up Marine ships with thousands of people on it, Akainu willing to kill Marines that point out that people are dying unnecessarily.

Like, if you argue Admirals hold back due to civilians, Shanks would hold back even more.
Notice how you didn't bring up Fujitora's name
Shanks is a pirate who sits on his ass and does nothing. Now you wanna work out an agenda saying Shanks is wiser than Fujitora lmao

This is more than you need to know
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