literally everyone could have done something
Kid and crew have no connection to Momo.
Law is indifferent since Shinobu doubted the loyalty of his crew to the alliance.
Luffy and co. were far away and knew of Kanjuro betrayal after he kidnapped Momo.
Usopp could not snipe because the cloud blocked his vision. Same with Robin.
Sanji returns to protect Nami and Robin from Arrows.
Zoro, Franky could have hurt Momo if they attack Kanjuro.
Only Nami could have done something but that could have impeded the ship's direction.
“On April 6, one of our employees (an editor in his forties) tested positive for the new Coronavirus. The clerk showed symptoms of fever on March 26th. He consulted his doctor and started to avoid going to work. On April 3, she was subjected to the PCR examination and was diagnosed as positive on the night of the 6th. In response to what happened, we took countermeasures by cooperating with the administrative organizations:

  • Temporary closure and disinfection of the floor where the infected person worked;
  • Verification of the history of the infected employee to identify any close contacts;
  • Complete observation and reporting of the health of the contacts concerned;
We started working from home at the corporate level as early as 6, prioritizing the safety of stakeholders to prevent further infection. We will take appropriate measures for the case. Thanks for understanding."

I'm so glad they are able to work from home, at least. During these difficult times, it's great to be able to read manga.