Feels the whole China-Taiwan conflict just overextended. Literally the same people.
A little ideological difference can be compromised. Why can't Taiwanese just consider themselves as state within China just like other 100 states of China? Does a little ideological difference worth a brothers vs Brothers war that will spill blood and drag the entire world in chaos I wonder?
The one China policy is stupid and has always been stupid
Nothing good about this crap
The US and China are two of the worst criminal states in the history of mankind but if I'm forced to chose one evil to allign with it'd have to be the US. China is cancerous genocidal dystopian state and only crazies want to have anything to do with that CCP madness let alone support it to become the next world hegemon. Sadly it's too late now, west vs east global War is enevitable at this point.
The U.S should not appease to Russia either, there’s a reason why every country around Russia wants to be in NATO
It isn't up to you decide dude. You are living in a house typing on a worstgen forum. How you going to say "Yes my country should not appease Russia at the expense of Ukraine".
One piece Ch 1056

Title: Cross Guild

-Aokiji Crocodile interaction in the chapter
-It was Mihawk who actually recruited the other Warlords (Crocodile is among them, but not Doflamingo)
-Warlord bounties revealed (they range from 800 milion to 3.2 billion)

-Break Next week
This is from a legit source

Mihawk has the highest bounty among the Warlords
Moria has/had the lowest
Dude, I've never met anyone more stupid than Americans, they think that they are exceptional compared to the rest of the world.
usa literally came from nothing, where were they a hundred years ago, 200 years ago?
USA became big because of global wars. That's what they need to sustain their "greatness".

Take that away and they'll regress to a bunch of overweight gun nuts who can't spell their own language.
It isn't up to you decide dude. You are living in a house typing on a worstgen forum. How you going to say "Yes my country should not appease Russia at the expense of Ukraine".
Did you ignore the latter half of my comment? Almost every sovereign country around Russia wants to join, do they not get to decide as well?