Who is the man with the burn mark?

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[Won't join
Correct, I do hope Yamato gets some good moments here and there before EoS though.
Carrot here is about to realize her full potential during those few arcs before the final grand battle happens.
Maybe or not she gets a cover story showing this, but this is ultimately the best thing for her since she's now the leader of a whole faction.
And when she gets that moment it will be that redeeming moment that I have been looking for all throughout Wano.

Where is the cope? I simply woke up

Gorosei Informer

I don't get what Oda is doing with the minks. Zunesha already left earlier for no reason so their giant elephant Uber is gone already.

Neko and Inu are staying in Wano as I expected but since Carrot is being named to rule over Wano for some insane reason (at least the for the night half/shifts right?) , how are they gonna get back to Zou?

Carrot is not joining the SHs but shes gonna have to ask them to drop her back off at Zou? How are they even gonna get back up on Zou too? I can't even remember how the Sanji Nami half of the SHs got on there before, when they left to go there early? With Caesars help? Sanji sky walked them up?

What about all the other minks who came by too? They stay with Neko and Inu? Or they go back to Zou too?

My head hurts...

@Charlie I think it's more likely to just be simply Buggy, Mihawk, Crocodile and Weevil

Boa Hancock has Luffy ties (that doesn't mean she can't be part of it necessary, but let's go with that for now)

Idk how Moria could get away from BBP this time, he doesn't have Absalom to save his ass

Kuma with Revs, unsure those guys would want someone like that in.
I would imagine if hancock isnt captured yet she is possibly an ally of the strawhat ship .

Pot Goblin

Oda definitely wants to set him his own Oden clinging to Whitebeard's ship chain type moment for her, its all bait as he knows we're on break for a week too so he can milk our hype and frustrations too.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind Carrot leading an army of Minks for the final war, that still would be kinda nice and there's always much worse than can happen ofc. We honestly gotta take we can get tbh.

At least we weren't randomly forced into halfway through an arc and written as a Mary Sue that everyone must love and is literally dedicated to being a replica of one of the worst Gary Stus ever. Also Carrot fans don't have to constantly assume and argue over what gender she is and her pronouns too.

I used to be a fan of both of them but Yamatos writing and her fans are putting me off rapidly over time.

I still rather have Yamato than Oda trying to include and force Caribou on us for some fucking degenerate, insane reason. He's definitely fucking trolling us and he seems to enjoy his slimy, scummy characters, maybe he relates with them too? Lmao.

Fuck Caribou honestly. The only things I like about him are his DF, name and that he acted as a sort of "hero" unintentionally I guess during his cover page arc. But I wish we never had to see him again either. So sick of him.
Worry not about Caribou, he will be gone in due time
Oda didn't make him an actual member
It's a matter of when not if rn
Probably when they reach the next island tbh
I mean what can buggy's crew actually do to Kidd ? Mihawk is the only guy who can fight Kid in that crew… and mihawk after some time is probably gonna postpone it after after failing to defeat kid. Than it is over
Kid has only a small crew
I don't even think Mihawk is needed...Buggy may have the biggest crew now
However, if Mihawk intervenes, he will destroy Kid's entire crew with 4 or 5 hits..I think Oda likes this game to ruin Big Mom's defeat
Ooooooh right
Totally forgot about Ebisu town

Another scrapped plotline that could have been addressed had Lolda not wasted so much time on unnecessary running, gifter and sumo plots.

Let's hope for a coverstory :pepecopium:
There were 3 good doctors in the alliance. Oda could just have them make a medicine for the smiles together.
Also wasn't it chopper's dream to cure all the diseases.

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
Dont tell me to fucking relax man. Carrot might go on the next adventure with the fucking SHs while Yamsto is still stuck in Wano. Do you know how hurt I fucking feel over this? Im not a nakama thread dweller but I always hoped for Yamsto to fucking join after this cluster fuck of an arc so I could look forward for the series. But noooo. GODA decided that its à good idea to leave Yamsto in Wano despite the entire buildup around her Leaving Wano. FUCK YOU ODAAAA
He would done same thing he did with Carrot and gave her a definite conclusion if this was it. Be patient.
There powerlevel calculations works the same way like delusional admiral fans. "GB>Kaido" when GB stated his inferiority by himself. Lol

No need to mention clown like BM. ZKK still exists. SH left Zoro in wano. Didn't you read it yet !? :afrokappa:
The fact you think BM is a gag character like buggy shows you're not different from zoro fans

Just another Shanks fanboy
No wonder why Shanks rivaled a clown pirate Mihawk
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