Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
You pathetic ugly disgusting pile if trash Crocodile is YC3 level and they are saying Mihawk + YC3 level = Yonko level crew

If mihawk was barely kaido level character then mihawk and crocodle will lose to beast pirates

Mihawk has to be able to low diff kaido for this to work right?

@ZenZu @comrade @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung

Am I missing something here?
Doesn’t the rest of the OP world think Buggy is true Yonko level though? His crew has been spreading that rumor about him ever since Marineford.
You “don’t care” enough to quote me in the first place, but that’s the way it goes around here, so I get it. I’m not offended, you just haven’t said anything that changes my mind; the possibility of something is not a guarantee just because you strip it free of context. If you think Carrot’s options are to lead her nation or skirt responsibility because Pedro explicitly meant she had to sail around the world to make a difference, you tell me with a straight face which one you think Oda’s really gonna pick for her.
I mean, look at the first comment I quoted you with. There was ZERO animosity and I even prefaced it with it not being biased towards any one particular side.

If Carrot stays and becomes leader of Zou, then so be it lol, you know I've advocated for Yamato for years on that thread.

The difference is, I never had an issue with Carrot ALSO joining, but clearly there is some spite and anger going around about this shit lol. Again, you do you.
Just a reminder, if Luffy Defeating two YCs can make him the fifth emperor, than WG recognitions of an organization consisting of three warlords as a yonko crew isn't something special or miraculous. And that is when one of them is current emperor's past rival, other one has info on one of the three great weapons and last one has relationship with PK along with too many ID escapees.

I think people forget how much hype and power the WG think buggy has.
Add in 2 more former warlords and even bigger army and going see as even bigger threat .
We as the reader know better but not the OP or WG it seem lol .
Shishio would put one armed current Zoro below East Blue Zoro just to push agenda
Imagine being such a brain dead piece of shit

Shanks biggest accomplishment of his life is his legendary grand line shaking duels with mihawk

That's when he reached his peak and has pirate king and wss potential

Now he is a lowly pathetic yonko where as mihawk realized his pirate king wss potential

And even made a black blade

And even called Shanks a one armed has been trash

Momo and Kinemon still to say their goodbyes Momo can fly getting Yamato there ain't no problem.

You're coping real bad bro and you know it.

Wamato new Strawhat fear it, run from it but destiny arrives all the same

Sure. If this helps you until next chapter. You can cope with this headcanon.

Let's ignore the part in this chapter when they (momo+scabbards) recognize they need help to defend wano and that they alone couldn't do it. It does not fit your headcanon.

Let's ignore the feelings of the crew and Luffy. After all, Luffy was the one that invited everyone and is perfect happy to say yes to Tama. Let's ignore that they are leaving without her. It does not fit your headcanon.

She will just get a raid on Momo and beg like a bitch. Great writing. Just let the dog beg to join a group that don't want her.

Pathetic cope. But whatever. If this is what you want from this character, I'm happy for you.

I nswered your question.
We need panels man, panels and feats.

Some echo chamber info by Oda doesn't help Mihawk.
What other conclusion is there to reach? Buggy has an army of literal no-names under his banner, the strongest among them on the level of Hajrudin. He has in-unvierse hype, sure, but nothing past that. Why else would the WG or Marines name him a Yonko above people like Law or Kidd aside from Mihawk? Cant be Crocodile because, as I said, HIS in-universe hype should be fucking abysmal considering Smoker is supposed to have beaten him.

You do not need panels of Mihawk fucking up an army of vice admirals to understand that Mihawk is the reason Buggy is a Yonko now, because there literally do not EXIST other reasons that make even the faintest amount of sense.
Another L take, especially considering previous statements like "Admiral = YC1"
YC1 has Oden, Oden is stronger Ladmirals as Kaido puts Oden in his top 5 but not Rayleigh, why is this so hard for your brain to understand mojave? Its not like this is your ''haki is infinite'' take or something :rolaugh:

ZoLo will also surpass Mihawk as a YC1, since the series will end with Luffy finding One Piece, Zolo will surpass Mihawk before Luffy becomes PK.

YC1 > Mihawk can't be more obvious.

There is also Shiryu, he was equal to Magellan without a DF,

which means Shiryu > Base Ladmirals.

DF awakening Shirhu > Ladmirals.


Formerly Seth

What other conclusion is there to reach? Buggy has an army of literal no-names under his banner, the strongest among them on the level of Hajrudin. He has in-unvierse hype, sure, but nothing past that. Why else would the WG or Marines name him a Yonko above people like Law or Kidd aside from Mihawk? Cant be Crocodile because, as I said, HIS in-universe hype should be fucking abysmal considering Smoker is supposed to have beaten him.

You do not need panels of Mihawk fucking up an army of vice admirals to understand that Mihawk is the reason Buggy is a Yonko now, because there literally do not EXIST other reasons that make even the faintest amount of sense.
No, no you don't understand me.

I do need fucking panels of Mihawk fucking up everyone.

Tired of retarded reaches and all the shit people pulling. Oda doesn't help us.
Imagine being such a brain dead piece of shit

Shanks biggest accomplishment of his life is his legendary grand line shaking duels with mihawk

That's when he reached his peak and has pirate king and wss potential

Now he is a lowly pathetic yonko where as mihawk realized his pirate king wss potential

And even made a black blade

And even called Shanks a one armed has been trash
My man you're literally the most retarded powerlevel pusher in worstgen and that's an achievement, I just sincerely hope it's just a character and you're not actually a 4chan seething poster 24/7.
For anybody that is honest to god still taking Mihawk downplayers seriously after these spoilers? Stop engaging these blatant trolls okay?

They do not care about reality. Oda made LUFFY, the only motherfucker aside from Chopper who fell for the Sogeking disguise, able to tell that there is no way somebody like Buggy could ever make people like Mihawk or Crorcidle his subordinates. And yet clowns like @Erkan12 or @Echizen_Jo_Ndule still act as if he bowed before Buggy in an attempt to act like he is not the reason he became a Yonko.

Buggys whos "big bad crew" had somebody like Hajrudin as an S-class guy is clearly not the reason that got him the promotion to Yonko. And its also not on account of Crocodile, the guy that per the mainstream in-universe narrative got defeated by a fucking Marine CAPTAIN alright? Smoker, at the time a captain, beat Corocdile in the story as far as the majority of the world is concerned so it's clearly not on account of him joining either that Buggy all of sudden became Yonko material.

There is ONE reason Buggy became a Yonko. Because people like Law and Kidd exist who are dumb enough to think that a guy like Mihawk would submit to a literal clown. So to anybody that gets angry at the usual suspects doing as they do? Don't get angry, and instead just laugh. Just let them embarrass themselves via stooping so low as to actually start shilling for the narrative that a joke character like Buggy is stronger than Mihawk or his superior.
The chapter already explains that anyone with Mihawk and Croco can make a Yonkou level crew. Law is Oda's mouthpiece, how 3 characters make up for Kaido, calamities, F6 or BM, Sweet commanders and the other jobbers? With strength. :kuzanshut:

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
They don't
World Government knows who Buggy is a level 3 prisoner and they are calling him emperor because he is with mihawk

Law zoro and luffy already gave us the scoop
No, Brannew called Buggy a living legend to a room full of high ranking Marines, I don’t think really anybody knows that Buggy is weak bar extremely specific people like Shanks and Luffy.

And besides, even if the World Government knew Buggy was a fraud, the Government doesn’t declare Yonko lol, the term “Yonko” is a consensus term that describes the opinion of the ignorant masses lol. You become a Yonko when fodder start calling you a Yonko, not when the Government names you a Yonko.
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