Who is the man with the burn mark?

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Let me tell you cum swallowers Shanks can never dream of doing what mibawk did

I know you don't believe Crocodile can do shit to Beckman

Shanks needs Beckman lucky Roo yasop to be Yonko

Mihawk just needs Crocodile and a figure head clown and yonko level characters like luffu and zoro recognizing his organization as yonko level threat
Guild Cross > buggy's crew > BBP. Crocodile > Magellan > BB+Laffitte+Burgess+Doc Q+Van Augur. :myman:
Too bad Mihawk is confirmed as weaker than Yonko in this chapter :rolaugh: What you wankers will do now :kailaugh:

Mihawk joined forces with Buggy, didn't join Buggy's crew.

You wankers were saying Mihawk made Buggy Yonko :kaidowhat: They literally joined forces as equals, but Buggy's forces > Mihawk = Crocodile thus Buggy become Yonko not Mihawk :kailaugh:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Yeah I understand it, they are fucking with us a lot lately. Taking full advantage.

I actually agreed and related with your rant and frustrations tbh.

At least they're preparing to leave now if nothing else. I did enjoy the actual amount of discussion about Pluton, pongelyphs, where to go next, well which direction and such in this chapter.

Yeah, the Shinobu and Tama thing is really nice tbh. I'm glad Hiyori is with Toko too.

Tsuru getting her face badly scarred and Kinemon still blushing at her face and saying shes still beautiful is genuinely peak fiction and the most wholesome, brilliant emotional and character defining moment too. Kinemon is a real great character, I can see why Oda keeps him alive no matter how bullshit the reasoning for him surviving is.
One of my friends keeps talking shit about him and calling him an awful character who should have died and its pissing me off lol.

Yeah the Carrot and Yamto stuff is honestly nice too. We'll have to wait and see where Oda goes with this too as he's clearly baiting us and stalling again too ofc.

Completely agree with Croc and Mihawk too, I really love both characters so I concur and relate entirely.

Lmfao yeah, I've not seen anyone suggest that scenario with Marines getting bounties put on their heads especially by Buggy of all people, its truly the most trolltastic, clever bastard, conniving stunt moment and also what helps makes Odas writing so special and such in the first place. I really want to see the Marines reacting to this now.

Thats what I'm thinking about Caribou and Blackbeard, completely agree about that.

We could still have more Wano, especially after recent reveals and thus more acts, but I really hope no at this point. This arc needs to end already and we FINALLY move on.
Damn, so many great points. What an awesome comment.

I'm really excited to see what Law and Robin found with the Ponyglyphs in Wano. As far as I know, we don't know anything about the Ponyglyph in the palace Brook found, nor the Ponyglyph Law found in Onigashima.

I have Zoro and Hiyori getting together, so those two raising Yasuie's child just makes me weep.

That's so sweet, Kinemon loving Tsuru even after she was burned is peak wholesome. People act like only the powerful characters in this series deserve happiness. To me, Kinemon is the Usopp of the Scabbards, but I still love him to death. How many times was he willing to sacrifice himself for Wano?

I understand, Wano has taken too long. I want Act 4 and 5, but I want them to be so fast/hype that people actually like them. The Raid was great, but way too slow, to me. We need less transitionary panels, and more straight up action.

Crocodile about to be = King at least
Kata with CoC coating = Yamato

It's over for King. I will give him the benefit of the doubt if he bandages his cut wing back up so he can get his full strength and improve somehow. Or it's too late depending what state Green Bowl left him in, take it or leave it :steef:
Oh shut your Shanks dick riding virgin ass up
You once again had wet night because of Shanks portrayal over Mihawk!? Lol

Shanks the pathetic one armed fodder trash needs someone as strong as him Beckman and lucky Roo and yasopp and entire fleet to make yonko level crew
At least Shanks haki works against a top tier while Mihawk couldn't even cut down pimp like Buggy.
Also are there any feats of Shanks crew in grandline ? Lol, just your own delusional theories. They are just hyped up. While it's Shanks alone who made most of the feats in RHPs.

Also about crew and hype of making cross guild. If just him can make Buggy emperor than why marines sent tiny Fleet without even an emperor.

Now to reduce some difficulty, he joins a crew !! Lol
Mihawk only needs two pre time skip fodders to make yonko level crew
One of them made a warlords by WG recently. Now assume as the boss of Mihawk.
Mihawk low diffs Shanks as per canon
That postman couldn't even come near Shanks in actual manga feats.
Imagine if Buggy teamed with Shanks and there was no Beckman
Both of them were together on Roger's ship.

Now it's Mihawk's time to follow a clown.
Shanks won't even make it to warlord
Why would he when he's a yonko.
Too bad Mihawk is confirmed as weaker than Yonko in this chapter :rolaugh: What you wankers will do now :kailaugh:

Mihawk joined forces with Buggy, didn't join Buggy's crew.

You wankers were saying Mihawk made Buggy Yonko :kaidowhat: They literally joined forces as equals, but Buggy's forces > Mihawk = Crocodile thus Buggy become Yonko not Mihawk :kailaugh:
Magellan oneshots again. :cheers:
You once again had wet night because of Shanks portrayal over Mihawk!? Lol

At least Shanks haki works against a top tier while Mihawk couldn't even cut down pimp like Buggy.
Also are there any feats of Shanks crew in grandline ? Lol, just your own delusional theories. They are just hyped up. While it's Shanks alone who made most of the feats in RHPs.

Also about crew and hype of making cross guild. If just him can make Buggy emperor than why marines sent tiny Fleet without even an emperor.

Now to reduce some difficulty, he joins a crew !! Lol

One of them made a warlords by WG recently. Now assume as the boss of Mihawk.

That postman couldn't even come near Shanks in actual manga feats.

Both of them were together on Roger's ship.

Now it's Mihawk's time to follow a clown.

Why would he when he's a yonko.
Shanks lost to a fucking fish you clown
So much for top tier haki
Fujitora basically did more harm than good

Weevil is out there Nuking any Pirate he sees and probably raiding allied countries

Kuma was rescued

Buggy and Mihawk decided to encourage people to kill marines and Buggy and Crocodile have huge Underground influence while Mihawk could kill an admiral

The only Warlord they captured was Boa hancock who literally stayed in the calm belt
YC1 has Oden, Oden is stronger Ladmirals as Kaido puts Oden in his top 5 but not Rayleigh, why is this so hard for your brain to understand mojave? Its not like this is your ''haki is infinite'' take or something
Kaido also didn't put Garp and Big Meme in his top 5, does that mean they're also YC1 level?

Oden > any YC1

Keep smoking that sweet
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