General & Others Rate the One Piece Manga Overall

Rate One Piece

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People dividing it pre and post time skip. I dont understand it. For me one piece is a solid 10/10 as an overall story.
No other manga that has more than 300 or 400 chapters even compares to it.

one piece has amazing world building. 1000 of characters that are interesting and complex. It is not just a story that goes from arc to arc and the previous characters don’t matter. Even characters like Buggy and crocodile pop up again and again. It is one of the most mysteries stories(which I particularly like). No other story has given me as much material to make theories on as One Piece. No other Manga is as interesting. What is the one piece? What is the will of D? What happened during the void century? What are the ancient weapons? What are devil fruits? Some of this question we’ve been asking ourselves for years. And all of this combined with funny, tragic, epic moments. Makes one piece like no other story for me.
Sure somethings could have been done better. Some characters deserved better. But I don’t rate it by it’s small flaws I rate it by the overall joy that it brings me. I’ve been following this manga for 22 years and hopefully it will be part of me for a few more years before it ends.
I am a simple dude, my wife cooks,i thank her, give her congrats and proceed to fatality the goodies that she cooked for me every single day.
If you start searching to find something you will find something even if that's not there lol..
If something is more enjoyable than not, the enjoyment should outweigh everything else.
One piece is an enjoyable part of my life and that's more than enough to give it a solid 10.
Nothing against anyone who consider op a dog shit, imo they should be more cautious of how they write their opinion.
9/10, oda fumbled wano ending but he clearly has motivation for the final arc, plus the entirety of one piece as a whole is one of my favorite works of fiction, it has its flaws but very few series have kept me so invested
One piece is a 6/10 for me. Would've rated it a solid 8/10 but Post TS really drags the overall rating down considering how major arcs, characters and revelations that pre-ts teased turn out to be a let down.

Naruto is a solid 8/10 in comparison imo. Hxh is a 9/10 if we only look at the story and not Togashi's schedule.
Hxh is a 9/10 and the anime is a 10/10
OP is very good but above statement is false
It’s an opinion. In this case mine. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong. I never understood people dividing stories in parts. You either rate it as complete story or you rate the arcs. Here the question is stated rated it completely. And for me one piece is a solid 10

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
6/10 for me.

Pre timeskip OP had moments that I would give a 9 or a 10. Still ultimately inferior to manga like Berserk or Kingdom, but there were still great aspects of the pre timeskip era.

Post timeskip OP, for the most part, has been so awful that it almost entirely ruined the pre timeskip. It has been GoT season 8 level bad, so bad that it ruins previously great material (particularly Wano).

So overall I give One Piss an extremely overly generous 6/10.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars

That shit hurt on a personal level man.

What are your top 5 manga?
Lol. I can’t stress how bad GoT season 8 was. It was so awful that I actually stopped appreciating seasons 1-4. In a way, being as awful as Season 8 was is almost more impressive than being as good as seasons 1-4.

Wano was that terrible for me. Oda ruined Whitebeard, Marineford, the Gorosei, Luffy, and Katakuri all in one arc. Characters that Wano should’ve had nothing to do with were inadvertently ruined by this shit, Wano was that bad for me. Thankfully Sakazuki, Kuzan, Issho, and Aramaki weren’t ruined. Yet. Lol

Top 5? Hmm…

Attack on Titan
Death Note? Code Geass? Avatar TLA? Not all manga but these lol.

Light D Lamperouge

𝖂𝖍𝖆𝖙 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖓
Lol. I can’t stress how bad GoT season 8 was. It was so awful that I actually stopped appreciating seasons 1-4. In a way, being as awful as Season 8 was is almost more impressive than being as good as seasons 1-4.
Man I tried my best to forget it. It ruined both Jon and Danny for me. And the entire series.

Wano was that terrible for me. Oda ruined Whitebeard, Marineford, the Gorosei, Luffy, and Katakuri all in one arc. Characters that Wano should’ve had nothing to do with were inadvertently ruined by this shit, Wano was that bad for me. Thankfully Sakazuki, Kuzan, Issho, and Aramaki weren’t ruined. Yet. Lol
Oh shit.

op 5? Hmm…

Attack on Titan
Death Note? Code Geass? Avatar TLA? Not all manga but these lol.
That's a great list. I am 13 volumes into AoT thus far and I love it.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Man I tried my best to forget it. It ruined both Jon and Danny for me. And the entire series.
And Jamie. My god, did they ruin Jamie who was like, the best or second best Fucking character in the show and in television history,

D&D should be tried for first degree rape for what they did to Jamie.

That's a great list. I am 13 volumes into AoT thus far and I love it.
It gets a bit clunky towards the season 3 territory, but overall a superb manga/anime with only minimal flaws. Imo.

You still need to read Kingdom which is the pinnacle of Eastern story-telling. Lol