Lmao wow, I didn't see that clip before but shes like a mini Ulti funnily enough? Its even funnier with how serious they all are and she's hamming it up, putting so much energy and volume into her announcement lmao. Bunch of massive tough dudes and women and this young girl (woman? how old is she? lmao) is giving this most over the top announcement lmao.
The VAs really do add colour to the OP world, they add so much to it, its great! Thats why I get so sad when a VA passes away and I'm terrifed for certain VAs to pass away including any of the SHs, Blackbeard's, Fujitora's etc.
Japanese humour is amazing and their delivery, enthusiasm and respect for voice acting is incredible. They really embrace the absurdity of the series they work with, especially with One Piece too for example. They really do bring it to life amazingly well as you said.
Also RESPECT and GRATITUDE for what you said about Queen there! Couldn't have asked for or said it better myself! His VA is absolutely hilarious and is even better than what I expected his character to be like voice wise! I'm so glad Toei are giving them actual songs to sing and thus musical intros since WCI at least, I LOVE that change! Idk if Oda insisted on it too or they chose to add it in but its done SO MUCH for the series in such a small but impactful way, I love it! Queens funk songs are too good, especially the one he did for the Onigashima rave party! Also his reaction to the news from Babanuki and his shocked reactions in general hahaha!


I also love Hogbacks/Orochi's VA for this, how he could flip in tone and thus attitude so easily and drastically!
Queen kinda reminds me of Hogback and I loved Hogback as a character, especially due to his amazing VA too hahaha!