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Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Evolution was a good movie
Choose this for the hairstyle reference plz
The actors who played Goku and Bulma in that piece of shit ended up playing a couple on another show (of which I was a fan), always tripped me out that they went straight from ruining one of the most popular series of all time to being one of the more enjoyable parts of another :shocking:

Deleted member 83

This is a tired, tired trope and awfully inaccurate about how we interpret extinct animals these days. It became a famous trope but was always exaggerated and hasn’t been an issue in over 13 years
You have no idea how annoying this shit is on some Asian forums because fucking Murata drew a bunch of “how we’ll restore modern animals” drawings making fun of dinosaur restoration, and people took it seriously
Muscles and other shits leave marks on the bones and they can be used to determine how they would actually look like and how strong they can bite, how well they can hear etc
But people think scientists just slap skin on fossils and call it a day
Though in some cases….

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
That Indian girl nowadays has sex for cocaine routinely, and has done it for years. When I knew her she was in art school and only smoked weed.
Just checking in with people like that can help them a lot. The nicest person I ever knew was a cute, very small gay girl (who my sister almost dated, but my Mom had issues with it for dumb reasons). She tried to kill herself with a Tylenol overdose. One time she asked me to talk to her seriously, and stated how, due to her upbringing, she felt dirty when she touched herself.

Don't blame yourself at all. People have to choose to help themselves. My issues are because I don't do enough to help myself, and complain too much about others. People can only get help if they want to accept it.

If you still care for her, just send her kind posts, jokes you think she might like, stuff like that. No pressure, though, situations like that are really tough. I hope she gets better.

Edit: should note that the gay girl in question is now married, and sounds like she's doing okay, even though she had some drug problems, too. I really hope she ends up happy.

Gorosei Informer

I am the Greenbull of the admiral fandom

A clown
Clown Bull goated! I still have faith the Marines will bounce back hard especially with Akainus recent words, Vegapunk and the SSG at least. Plus Admirals actually going all out and hopefully Logia awakenings too! They were the endgame of pre TS so they deserve a LOT more love too!


Pot Goblin

Conejo Blanco
I sent a link to this forum to Ol' Mom Goblin just out of curiosity and since she was wondering what this forum was about.

She checked the rules and one of the spoiler threads. But she said she hates forums because of how much info and discussion there is so she got off pretty quickly.

Her conclusion was that this place was about "roasting people" lmao

@solis @Ghostly Reflections @Rottkins

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
I sent a link to this forum to Ol' Mom Goblin just out of curiosity and since she was wondering what this forum was about.

She checked the rules and one of the spoiler threads. But she said she hates forums because of how much info and discussion there is so she got off pretty quickly.

Her conclusion was that this place was about "roasting people" lmao

@solis @Ghostly Reflections @Rottkins
Don't let Mom Goblin see Kinyagi's (...or my own...) post history.

Gorosei Informer

Just checking in with people like that can help them a lot. The nicest person I ever knew was a cute, very small gay girl (who my sister almost dated, but my Mom had issues with it for dumb reasons). She tried to kill herself with a Tylenol overdose. One time she asked me to talk to her seriously, and stated how, due to her upbringing, she felt dirty when she touched herself.

Don't blame yourself at all. People have to choose to help themselves. My issues are because I don't do enough to help myself, and complain too much about others. People can only get help if they want to accept it.

If you still care for her, just send her kind posts, jokes you think she might like, stuff like that. No pressure, though, situations like that are really tough. I hope she gets better.
Absolutely pure wisdom right there. I can relate to what you said about your issues too. A little also goes a very long way too. A guy I knew, was told by some stranger that he was gonna off himself but because my friend smiled at him beforehand in a general friendly greeting sort of way ofc, he felt not so hated for once, not so repulsive so he felt some faith come back and didn't want to do it as much anymore.

This song really spoke volumes to me when I was young, I've already lost a lot as a child so I knew what it meant to lose what you love and cherish and it taught me to be kind to others or try to at least, to give them some kind of hope/faith to keep going on, to feel some kind of joy and not give up somehow:

Thats why I respect clowns too funnily enough. Robin Williams was my biggest hero along with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, now look whats happened to both of them too. I wish I could have saved both of them somehow.
This is a tired, tired trope and awfully inaccurate about how we interpret extinct animals these days. It became a famous trope but was always exaggerated and hasn’t been an issue in over 13 years
This is from a book of 2015 by paleoartists. While it is a trope it is not so inaccurate as your say.
We have more tools to guess how the animal would look but this is still a guess.


Just checking in with people like that can help them a lot. The nicest person I ever knew was a cute, very small gay girl (who my sister almost dated, but my Mom had issues with it for dumb reasons). She tried to kill herself with a Tylenol overdose. One time she asked me to talk to her seriously, and stated how, due to her upbringing, she felt dirty when she touched herself.

Don't blame yourself at all. People have to choose to help themselves. My issues are because I don't do enough to help myself, and complain too much about others. People can only get help if they want to accept it.

If you still care for her, just send her kind posts, jokes you think she might like, stuff like that. No pressure, though, situations like that are really tough. I hope she gets better.
I tried to help her quite a bit when I knew her, but it didn't work. As you say, you can't really help people unless they put in the effort too.

I don't blame myself, but I do wonder how else things could have turned out. That whole story is a drop in the bucket of all the sad things I can tell you. Anyway not to bring the mood down here.

This Yamato thing has me ruminating on all the depressing shit that's ever happened lol.
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