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I will never forgive Oda
how about the fat tho?
Looking at the animal's skeleton, seeing what evidence is left behind on them of tendons and muscles and deducing what areas were widely developed and to what extent, then; said:
So how do you “weigh” a dinosaur? There are two approaches. One option is to reconstruct what the animal might have looked like, including how big it may have been, and then estimate the total weight of its bones, muscles and other tissues. This approach incorporates as much anatomical data as can be recovered from the fossil record, but our confidence in this method depends on how complete a fossil we are looking at.

As a result, animals such as the famous Tyrannosaurus rex, whose fossil record has been collected for more than century, require much less guesswork to reconstruct than many of Australia’s dinosaurs, which are often based on a few bones. In either case, reconstructing a long-extinct fossil inevitably requires some assumptions.

The second approach is to measure certain key bone parameters, such as the circumferences of the humerus and femur, and insert these measurements into scaling equations derived from animals alive today. This method offers a simple description of the possible body masses a set of limbs could theoretically carry. But, because it is based on a few measurements, it can be imprecise, especially for the largest dinosaurs.

Limb scaling equations also assume that limb size and body mass scale the same way in dinosaurs as in modern animals. Limb circumferences have been shown to consistently predict body mass in very different types of living land animals, include primates, marsupials, and turtles. This suggests they can provide an external measure of accuracy for the more precise estimates obtained from reconstructions.

Gorosei Informer

YOU MAD LAD LMAO. Oh wait nvm I thought you tagged/quoted TAC to show them LOL!


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TAC right now or soon due to this:


Dear God that thing looks like a Baphomet
King awakening/comeback confirmed? Sanji can be associated with Baphomet ironically as he's got heavy devil and hell symbolism, as well as associated with goats too.
Absolutely pure wisdom right there. I can relate to what you said about your issues too. A little also goes a very long way too. A guy I knew, was told by some stranger that he was gonna off himself but because my friend smiled at him beforehand in a general friendly greeting sort of way ofc, he felt not so hated for once, not so repulsive so he felt some faith come back and didn't want to do it as much anymore.

This song really spoke volumes to me when I was young, I've already lost a lot as a child so I knew what it meant to lose what you love and cherish and it taught me to be kind to others or try to at least, to give them some kind of hope/faith to keep going on, to feel some kind of joy and not give up somehow:

Thats why I respect clowns too funnily enough. Robin Williams was my biggest hero along with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park, now look whats happened to both of them too. I wish I could have saved both of them somehow.
A small act of kindness can go a long way, you're right. That dude sounds like a good person. Oda's right, we should smile more (my teeth are meh, though
Beautiful song, love The Fray. Clowns can be really cool, by Grandma loved them a lot.

I believe we will see the people we love again. I try to merge science with spirituality. To me people are energy, not raw flesh. The elements that create our bodies/the planets are made in stars, which then explode, and send those elements all around the universe, until gravity slams them into planets. Then, light from a star seeds the elements made from light, and the light merges to form life (this is why light functions as both matter and energy, because it is literally both). To me, life is made of light, and light/energy cannot be destroyed, so life cannot truly die, either, it just gets displaced.

The energy/light of the people you love is still there, we're just caught up in so much fucking mess that it's hard to connect back to that love. I think looking at the body like a cage is kind of toxic, but it's definitely limiting.

I apologize if what I said sounded weird/goofy. I take caution when it comes to organized religion, but I believe in the afterlife, and it pains me to know so many people suffer, wondering if the people they loved are somewhere better. I hope you meet the people you've lost again.

I miss my dog so much, I want to give him a big hug when I go. I also want to see my current dog meet him, since she's the complete opposite of him, and I think they'd be hilarious together.
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Black Blades
Blue Flames
Higher Haki, maybe better 6 Powers, maybe DF
White Flames
Haki or true awakening
Haki, black blade, more soul power
Haki, giant made weapons/ammo from Elbaf
Better material for Shogun Franky
Haki, 100 shadow clone move
Bigger lightning lmao
Boiling water throws from pure strength
Bigger knives and haki
Awakening, better Haki
Haki, awakening

Carrot is gonna get the repaired Raid Suit that Sanji broke.

Or figure out how to turn Sulong with out the moon
Love the idea of Robin spawning multiple clones and Jinbei shooting out water so fast it boils, really awesome ideas!
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Gorosei Informer

A small act of kindness can go a long way, you're right. That dude sounds like a good person. Oda's right, we should smile more (my teeth are meh, though
Beautiful song, love The Fray. Clowns can be really cool, by Grandma loved them a lot.

I believe we will see the people we love again. I try to merge science with spirituality. To me people are energy, not raw flesh. The elements that create our bodies/the planets are made in stars, which then explode, and send those elements all around the universe, until gravity slams them into planets. Then, light from a star seeds the elements made from light, and the light merges to form life (this is why light functions as both matter and energy, because it is literally both). To me, life is made of light, and light/energy cannot be destroyed, so life cannot truly die, either, it just gets displaced.

The energy/light of the people you love is still there, we're just caught up in so much fucking mess that it's hard to connect back to that love. I think looking at the body like a cage is kind of toxic, but it's definitely limiting.

I apologize if what I said sounded weird/goofy. I take caution when it comes to organized religion, but I believe in the afterlife, and it pains me to know so many people suffer, wondering if the people they loved are somewhere better. I hope you meet the people you've lost again.

I miss my dog so much, I want to give him a big hug when I go. I also want to see my current dog meet him, since she's the complete opposite of him, and I think they'd be hilarious together.
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Love the idea of Robin spawning multiple clones and Jinbei shooting out water so fast it boils, really awesome ideas!
Yeah he really was or still is even! Not spoken to him in years but he was a real bro to the end, ride or die. Loyal as fuck, supportive, caring etc! He had severe trauma that makes mine look like a Teletubbies episode by comparison honestly and one day he had a mental breakdown late at night/early morning in VC chat with me and some other clan mates and we spent hours trying to calm him down and comfort him after he was breaking down crying, suicidal and etc. It was heartbreaking to see such a jolly, happy guy break like that.

Yeah I'm a huge fan of energy and theories behind it. Spirituality is great, our souls is what truly matters, our energy, our minds. To say we are just "bags of flesh/meat sacks/walking blood bags" or whatever disgusting and dehumanising terms really sickens me tbh.

I completely agree with what you said there. I can't fully process it right now as I'm so dehyrated and tired, need to drink more water atm, but I can definitely understand, picture and relate to what you said there. Complete agreement.

Awww, I love dogs and I have never stopped missing my dogs from childhood, well one of them anyway, long story with the others lol. Also some other pets I had like rabbits too. I hope you see your past dog again in a future/after life!

That Jinbei and Robin idea is BADASS! I love Strawhat combo attacks especially!


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯
Yeah, TAC was stalling because he didn't want to delete my account

then he made a vote here in the thread, and it stayed at 49%~51% to make my account stay up

then i made a bet with TAC

If Yamato joins the Straw Hats, he deletes my account

if Yamato doesn't join, i stay
:sanmoji: at this point it's a 50/50 chance but I hope that you will be free, drop me ur discord in PMs for future contact if yet he won't join the crew in the official spoilers
Since everyone seems to be up. What do you think these characters new powerups will be:

Rob Lucci

Well I guess imma start first. Will make it quick as possible

Zoro: A black blade, complete flame control with his blades by him drawing power from the underworld via spirit manipulation (asura), added versions of his asura technique, the ability to cut things with his arms, having slight clairvoyance (future sight) when he open his other eye

Sanji: future sight , enhancement of all of his abilities including diable jambe and his haki

Sabo: reaching the highest form of advanced ryou in the verse, more dragon claw fist fighting style techniques, devil fruit Awakening, Coc (maybe advanced coc)

Koby: all 7 rokoushiki techniques, future sight, advanced ryou, Coc and advanced coc, combing haki and rokoushiki techniques thus creating new techniques eg. Combining soru and geppo to replicate flight. Combining ryou and shigan to launch strong long ranged bullet attacks. Combining ryou and rokogun or advanced ryou and coc and rokogun for a destructive attack to compensate for his lack of physical strength in comparison to other top tiers. Combining future sight, soru and paper body to replicate after images or to utilize the highest form of physical dodging.

Chopper: basic armament and observation haki. Stronger version of kung fu point. A monster point that can last even longer in battle. And finally a devil fruit Awakening of chopper that makes him full on human looking (95% human look with a 5% reindeer look)in appearance with the size build of heavy point. Call it Were-Human point or Ying Yang point. This form is a condensed version of his monster that has the same strength but is more agile and fast in comparison to his monster point

Ussop: coc, dials to assist with manuevarabilty, and impact dials to assist him in close quarters combat. Basic armament being able to coat bullets and advanced radar like observation haki to snipe targets. Finally the utilization of two short pistols when he is shooting rubber bullets coated in haki and a upgraded slingshot when shotting hiss special plant based bean bullets for plant and fire attacks

Brook: basic armament and observation haki. Devil fruit Awakening allowing him to utilize actual souls from the after life to assist him in battle as well as use fire as well as ice from the underworld .

Robin: basic observation and armament. Utilizing more fishment karate and dragon claw fist martial arts in her grappling abilities. (I think robin is already awakened).

Helmeppo: 4 out of the 7 rokoushiki techniques (soru, geppo, shigan, storm leg), armament and observation haki, regular ryou (emission) , (that's all I can think of lol)

Franky: sea stone brass knuckles, upgraded tech allowing him to combine with his Franky shogun which expands his abilities such as : MUTIPLE lasers, rocket launchers, jetpack rocket feet so he can fly , seastone blade, Laser sword, increase in his ability to produce fire, and lastly bullt in tech allowing him to see things in extreme detail
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✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯
I need someone to delete my account whether she joins or not so I can get on with my life. Spending too much time here.
I earned here money, even if it was not much. If I will still have a chance to get it I will stay here. I will be an agent for all of our clowns and jesters who had a chance to escape:endthis:
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