Honestly oda dropped the ball in not replacing Yamatos scenes with hiyori. Hiyori aside from giving Zoro enma served 0 purpose in this story. She didn't even help tell the truth about Oden to the people in secret. She didn't train to take revenge. Instead all she did was get pretty in makeup and waited for someone else to do the heavy lifting. That's trash in my opinion
As useless as her mom
Been doing some thinking and I have now come to the conclusion that Yamato is a waste of a character since she really doesn't serve a purpose. Infact her existence took away from other key players that were not strawhats in wano.

Never once thought I would agree with this but let's look at the list.

You could could have substituted every single scene she was in with Zoro, Sanji and hiyori and the story would have been the exact same .

I do like Yamato but she did take away from important players.
You can make this argument for literally anything
''If you replace X with Y you don't need X''
Let's look at it

It would have been great if it was indeed hiyori whom was training in swordmans ship from denjuro and the others in secret.

It would have been great if it was her who had met ace telling him about what had happened in wano which justifies ace responses in saving wano to whitebeard. Hell it would even be perfect since ace would eventually be the one to have replaced her dad's position on whitebearsa crew.

It would been great if it was her who killed orochi

It would have been great if she was the one spreading the truth in wano in secret

Yamato fighting kaido temporarily until Luffy showed up could have been replaced with Zoro.

Yamato holding and running with momo could have been replaced with Sanji doing so further building his bond with momo while giving Sanji more important stuff to do than getting embarrassed by black maria for zero reason


You can make this argument for literally anything
''If you replace X with Y you don't need X''
It's a valid argument when your cast of characters is so large that half of them don't get any screen time and don't do anything useful.

What was the point of putting King in a gimp suit and only revealing him for one chapter? Oda probably wanted to do something with him but didn't have enough time and room in the story. There's all these minor characters in Wano that almost had an actual story but were just ignored.

A good editor would have told him to cut down on new ideas and work with the existing ones, but he's probably too big to listen to anybody now.
@DoctorIndigo Is severance over or are there more seasons?

I know a big (unspoken) part of who wins is there potential to win going forward. Since Saul is ending I think the actors will get more benefit than usual
Severance season 2 is confirmed

but a lot of the times they give awards to first seasons too

like Zendaya winning last Emmy, youngest actress to ever win an Emmy, because of Euphoria