Man, Oda putting shit on Movies, SBS and Vivre Cards is so tiring

and then you have to listen to this cult follower say shit like that:

Wont mind, why does it matter really? Immn a movie it's at least much better than just staying a statement/text.

The movie could be better yes, but clearly the manga is gonan push the RHP vs BBP. Oda wont show their full fight to reveal the complete arsenal of the BBP, one chapter at best.
The more i see from other youtubers, the more i respect Tekking, for real

he is just there in his room enjoying the series and talking about everything he likes about it

dude isn't invested in Agenda Piece, he isn't part of the dramas, as soon as people asked him to, he stopped doing spoilery titles and thumbnails

he doesn't go on an Ego Trip thinking he is better than the rest of the fanbase because he is a youtuber

he is just a funny, cringey and wholesome dude in his corner of the fandom, and that's great