Imagine being such a narcisist babie that you confuse your nostalgia feefees over baby games with them being better than the other kid games and seethe
Nah kid, those were the worst (spec DP, worse encounter and dex): slow, uncreative, decent but later stuff had bettr features and story and older had excuse of hardware
Only brainrot DS era nostalgiakids (zoom diaper kids who watch Narutu emo amvs) fake like it and hate the better later stuff cause your such brainlet narcisist ya cant differentiate quality from bby memories. You cant deal with bad nostalgia and subjective opinions so you sully your panties and lactate in fury online all day even tho you never played the new sht. Same with any old ninty franchise: special needs kids like you latch to an entry you grew with and think its flawless but new or older is "bad"for excuses (like the artismo faking like to BW lol), if you were older you be fake liking Red but the brainrot goes to late 00s when you were sucking on your diapers. All your opinions are cringy social media circlejrk so give enough time and the 3ds one will replace you too lmao
DS-era toddlers are new genwunners but dumber and whinier, made the "muh 151" tame, rather them than their brainlet DS younger siblings. A differencce is that as bitchy as genwunners were theyre just normies, DS Babies like you are special needs manchildren who look like Linkara's effeminate, bald fat brother who lives bitch-less cryin bout pokmen
And even Sword is surprisingly based in repla with the dlc, much better than the ds stuff, the only bad thing is the nat dex cut, but then the ones whining and pissing and drooling mad at it like this kid never mention it: you only fake to seethe at it without reason cause youtubers told you to and you were raised by cringy social media you go feral when turn your consensus didnt exist
Rillaboms based tho
Based GF triggering poser kids into wanting chill entry level rpg to be grindy. Grindy aint hard and if you cared about hard games you be playing Dragon Quest like a real man instead of licking your diapers over pokemens not being for you.