Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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The curse strikes again! In a new, unique way lmao.

I was gonna joke how your (Bleach final arc major spoilers)
Ukitake pfp is gonna age real badly unless you know the final arc ofc!

The curse knows nor mercy nor signs of relenting!

Goda strikes again too! Peak fiction!

Absolutely! Roger admitted to that on here a while ago and so have some other Youtubers before I think, but not on here.

Its a cult and a grift after all.

I remember Morj saying Wano is a bad arc if raid doesnt fail but after the feedback he was taking his words back and saying cONtExT mATteRs.
Wow Roger admitted really can you share the video.
What was that entire point of Momo telling Yamato he wants to free her from her chains and let her set sail literally a chapter ago…
You have to understand that this is part of oda’s restructuration.. He must have planned to have Yamato on board at first but changed his mind for a faster track with Jinbei as last member to finish the story sooner respecting his goals.
Uhhh look at summary thread?

Lmao WEAK!!!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t give up on Kaido after his humiliating victory over Oden, him screaming from Akazaya and Mid’s attacks, his butchered flashback, and his rushed defeat!!!!!!!!!
I didn’t give up on Jack even NOW, after his countless Ls and fight being offscreened!!!
But this is all it took for you to abandon Yamato?!
C'mon, give cover story crumbs
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