Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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Formerly Seth

It wasn't proven at all. In fact, the exact opposite was proven.

Let's not start this conversation. You have no idea what you are talking about lmao
Americans are not the wisest people one the planet especially while covering up bullshit.

I won't teach you a thing since I'm not a professor but you can easily get proof of voting frauds in USA.

and don't get the wrong idea. I'm not even from USA, I just tell what I see from the outside.

You are weirdly mad/bothered when I mention that Biden won unfairly to some extent, are you a Biden supporter perhpas? That would help me understand why you go so hard to neglect what I say.
India's done a fantastic job with their medical industry, I hope they can introduce more technology to rural areas without destroying the nature present. Brazil could become a great country if it ever got good leadership, too.
Its not about leadership,we need a new constitution.Brazil is one of the most restrictive economys of the world,it took me almsot a year just to get my permits to work when i was 18.If you want to open a small business here it takes months or even years,because dumb bureacracy.Also,lots of people here want to work for the government for all the benefits(never getting fired,etc...),this is the way of socialism.Brazil needs to get reformed in many levels to develop its potential.
yeah, and other countries can just attack us and get it if they want to lol
Ever heard of holodomor?you don't attak a coutnry ta feeds you.Brazil is the second military superpower of the americas.Only the US and Europe can afford to invade other continents and right now they have their hands full with th Russians and Chinese.


Its not about leadership,we need a new constitution.BRazil is one of the most restrictive economys on the world,it took me almsot a year just to get my permits to work when i was 18.If you want to open a small business here it takes months or even years,because dumb bureacracy.Alos,lots of people here want to work for the government for all the benefits(ever getting fired,etc...),this is the way of socialism.Brazil needs to get reformed in many levels to develop its potential.
oh look, i just found a new Bolso follower

let me guess, you're also a fan of Monark too?
Americans are not the wisest people one the planet especially while covering up bullshit.

I won't teach you a thing since I'm not a professor but you can easily get proof of voting frauds in USA.

and don't get the wrong idea. I'm not even from USA, I just tell what I see from the outside.

You are weirdly mad/bothered when I mention that Biden won unfairly to some extent, are you a Biden supporter perhpas? That would help me understand why you go so hard to neglect what I say.
Ironic, since you are the one posting paragraphs about something that's making you look ridiculous rn, but keep adding fuel to the fire lol:sanmoji:

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Biden didn't win fairly either.

America is fucked up in the end on many parts.
LOL anyone who thinks Hillary or Biden earned their nominations is 100% part of the problem, those senile fucks only got there through nepotism.

If they weren't going to acknowledge Bernie getting fucked over by corruption two times in a row, they aren't going to acknowledge anything else. Just some Russian Whataboutism, as if the US isn't known for rigging elections.

US elections are competitions to see who can cheat and bribe the most and get away with it. Voting here is worthless: who counts the votes is what matters. I don't trust either side to tell the truth, since both sides are full of lying psychopaths. Still wonder what this country would have looked like if Gore hadn't gotten screwed (even though I hate Gore as much as I hate Bush).

Alright, that's it, no more political comments from me. I could go on forever about how stupid and evil my country is. Fuck Spandam, fuck Orochi, fuck Charlos. Be like best girl, and love your people, not the state:
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