Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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Deleted member 33823

I think esp when you talk about a cycle of hatred
its unfortunately about one side having to let go
and in both cases that fell on both naruto and sasuke and that way the cause for strife was gone.

the major difference between that and wano is we don't get that closure with any kurozumi
or the people of wano so there's clearly still the root cause for conflict( unless they are all dead which is worse)
orochi and kaido( who had his idea of equality twisted ) was all by the same person ... orochi's grandmother who used the fact that they persecuted her entire clan over his grandfather's crime. I think if anything , the chapter goes even further to paint the family as villains which realistically should provoke the same villain we saw in orochi and his grandmother.
I think with a cycle of hatred its a two way street, yes Naruto and Sasuke moved on which is very good of them to do, but that doesn't change the fact that the leaf village never truly grew imo. Sure they accepted Naruto after he did a lot of shit for them, but he never should've had to done that to be approved, hence why I can't forgive them for not apologizing or admiting to having been wrong. I also agree that should Wano continue down this path then they haven't learned anything, but I think this will be addressed later on. Unlike people here who hate Oda and think he's a fraud, I feel like given that the border is closed and how the isolationist mindset caused the problem to begin with. It is logical to assume more problems will arise that will result in the problem being finally addressed and then finally the borders can open symbolizing the growth of Wano as a nation. Sorry for the long response.
I’m literally only still vaguely keeping up with it for Sanji lol. It’s why I barely post here anymore since Onigashima. Plus, it’s kinda hard to drop a series you’ve been following for years lol
I see. Makes sense.

Sometimes I feel like that too and then I tell myself to stop dissecting every detail there is because I would end up hating the series. There are truly a TON of plot holes in One Piece and you can clearly see when Oda is just “having fun” with the story and comes up with something ridiculous like having Shanks randomly show up in Wano… but that’s normally when I catch myself and stop looking too deep into it. I totally get your frustration tho. Trust me.
Last point before I go.

Oda showed that Wano is a bad country.

Oda told that Wano is a good country through Wanonese people.

Conclusion: Wanonese are overly patriotic people who are fed propaganda and fail to see their flaws (just like pre WW2 Japan)

One of the best examples of show, not tell. Even Wanonese people's ignorance is shown through them telling "Wano is a good country".

If you thought Oda was trying to tell Wano was in a good situation because the characters verbalize these things, you missed the point.

Because kids need to be spoonfed. Showing without telling is harder for them to understand.

Reason I wrote in this format? Reading a whole paragraph might be hard for some people here.
-Japan is hit by bombs named little boy and fat man
-become addicted to pornographic content with little boys and fat men
-guess that nuke had some special powers because it somehow made them all get that pedophile kink
Imo The name Dragon King shouldve been used for Susanoo Mode instead of Blazing Bagua, its way cooler. And also Great Oiran Yokai also shouldve been used for Big Mom in her last mode.


The Rogue Prince
after mellowing out , honestly, the worst part with yamato isnt the fact that she isnt joining the crew
its that 3 + yrs spent knowing this character with the hope she realizes she can adore oden while at the same time recognize she is also an entirely different individual.

what we got instead was a cringe moment of her inserting herself into a convo of momo talking about his late dad and the making a decision to stay based off what she thinks he would do (which is honestly inaccurate but oh well).
No words.

oden was such a flawed character in a way I assumed oda would use her to correct his faults. Maybe she stayed in wano cause oden turn his back to sail at sea when he should have protected it . I dont even get that this chapter. The reason she stays is just .....empty.
Out of all the excuses that Oda could choose to have Yamato stay in Wano, Oda chose the worst lol.

You could've easily had the Ryokugyu fight make Yamato want to stay in Wano and protect it but no, Oda had Momonosuke talk about her farewell and how Wano is going to be self sufficient from now.

And it then turns out that Yamato wants to hop around Wano like a fucking retard because the bigger retard Oden did so lmao.
Out of all the excuses that Oda could choose to have Yamato stay in Wano, Oda chose the worst lol.

You could've easily had the Ryokugyu fight make Yamato want to stay in Wano and protect it but no, Oda had Momonosuke talk about her farewell and how Wano is going to be self sufficient from now.

And it then turns out that Yamato wants to hop around Wano like a fucking retard because the bigger retard Oden did so lmao.
I'm really being invested less and less in the characters and plot writing.
Am I the only that is happy that Yamato is not joining? Idk why I just couldn’t really get “attached” to her character. It just didn’t click like all the other straw hats did when they were about to join.
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