Was Wano one of the worst arcs in One Piece? How do you rate wano?

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The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
I will forgive all of Oda's sins in this arc if Yamato doesn’t join.
You have made this really hard Oda! But your blunders in this arc is forgiven by me. No more criticism of Wano from me. I will be criticizing the series holistically though and mention Wano.
Hey look....its the end of the third act. Shouldve came 60 chaps ago.
As others have put it, it didn't make sense to in hindsight. Oda's arc structures are literally always the same (except for Sabaody-> Marineford). It's Intro (Act 1), Buildup (Act 2) and Climax (Act 3).

This is why the Jump advertisements said we are in the climax of Wano for like 2 years lmao. Arc climaxes are the longest part by far for Oda. They are always 50% or more of the arc length.

Gorosei Informer

Hyogoro, the man who taught Luffy Ryo and ate precious panel time during the raid, didn't get even an itty bitty tiny farewell scene. :suresure:
Its like he was meant to die instead too, but even then he should have gotten a tribute after the raid he had he died like he was supposed to ofc!

Luffy forgetting about and using so many people this arc!


Talent is something you make bloom.
Listen…I’m not saying what I’m about to say solely because I’m high right now, but as much as I wanted Yamato to join the crew, I am still looking forward to all the actual Straw Hats (now with Jinbe, which is cool) traveling together to a new island for the first time since *big, overly tortured sigh* 2013 :pepeshy:
Whatever it is you're using, it makes you spit facts.
Good shit.
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