The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Hopefully the final saga will be better for me, I have been taking Ls left and right since near the end of DR.
  1. L No. 1: I am a fan of Admirals. I saw Fuji spending time blocking the birdcage and then Kaido drops from 10,000 meters only to crush Kid and Hawkins.
  2. L No. 2: Doffy fan. I thought Luffy will use this ultimate G4 to beat Doffy. I had Doffy just below Yonkous/Admirals. Turns out Luffy has more G4 forms and he is struggling against YC3 Cracker.
  3. L No. 3: Sanji's bounty surpassed Zoro's bounty. Never thought that would happen.
  4. L No. 4: Used to ship LuNa. WCI crushed that for me.
  5. L No. 5: Thought Katakari is not that much stronger than Cracker, so he will not be Luffy's fight. I thought Luffy/Sanji/Jinbei will beat BM.
  6. L No. 6: Thought Zoro and Luffy would take down Kaido together.
  7. L No. 7: Thought we would get Zoro's detailed past like Sanji's in WCI. I blame this one on Oda. I used to think Zoro had no lineage to speak of, then Oda said otherwise.
  8. L No. 8: I thought at the end of Wano arc, we would get definite confirmation that Kid/Law is significantly below Zoro. Turns out they are now placed at the same level as Luffy.
  9. L No. 9: Thought Luffy ~ Zoro. Now, Luffy >> Zoro.
  10. L No. 10: Used to have Admirals ~ Yonkous. Now, Admirals < Yonkous.
  11. L No. 11: Thought Mihawk would be kept out of the main story. Now he is in Cross Guild.
Don't know how many more Ls I can take. But since I don't like Yonkous in general, I know I will take more Ls. BB is just waiting to hand me Ls.

Hopefully the final saga will be better for me, I have been taking Ls left and right since near the end of DR.
  1. L No. 1: I am a fan of Admirals. I saw Fuji spending time blocking the birdcage and then Kaido drops from 10,000 meters only to crush Kid and Hawkins.
  2. L No. 2: Doffy fan. I thought Luffy will use this ultimate G4 to beat Doffy. I had Doffy just below Yonkous/Admirals. Turns out Luffy has more G4 forms and he is struggling against YC3 Cracker.
  3. L No. 3: Sanji's bounty surpassed Zoro's bounty. Never thought that would happen.
  4. L No. 4: Used to ship LuNa. WCI crushed that for me.
  5. L No. 5: Thought Katakari is not that much stronger than Cracker, so he will not be Luffy's fight. I thought Luffy/Sanji/Jinbei will beat BM.
  6. L No. 6: Thought Zoro and Luffy would take down Kaido together.
  7. L No. 7: Thought we would get Zoro's detailed past like Sanji's in WCI. I blame this one on Oda. I used to think Zoro had no lineage to speak of, then Oda said otherwise.
  8. L No. 8: I thought at the end of Wano arc, we would get definite confirmation that Kid/Law is significantly below Zoro. Turns out they are now placed at the same level as Luffy.
  9. L No. 9: Thought Luffy ~ Zoro. Now, Luffy >> Zoro.
  10. L No. 10: Used to have Admirals ~ Yonkous. Now, Admirals < Yonkous.
  11. L No. 11: Thought Mihawk would be kept out of the main story. Now he is in Cross Guild.
Don't know how many more Ls I can take. But since I don't like Yonkous in general, I know I will take more Ls. BB is just waiting to hand me Ls.

Just join Yonkou gang and you will be eating good for the rest of the series.

As for Zoro just stay content with what you get. Unrealistic expectations only create more sufferings.


The Walking Muscle, Plot-armor and Boobs Trio
Lmao this is literally a series about a boy becoming the strongest Pirate, what were you even expecting?
He beats the biggest threat to the pirates - the law enforcing marines?!! I mean the last one was killed by marines. :kayneshrug:

But I have learned by lessons.

But to be clear, my issue is not pirates. I like all the warlords. I just don't like the Yonkous. They are trash villains.

So if Luffy beats a pirate villain at the end who is NOT one of these Yonkous. I am fine.
He beats the biggest threat to the pirates - the law enforcing marines?!! I mean the last one was killed by marines. :kayneshrug:

But I have learned by lessons.

But to be clear, my issue is not pirates. I like all the warlords. I just don't like the Yonkous. They are trash villains.

So if Luffy beats a pirate villain at the end who is NOT one of these Yonkous. I am fine.
EOS Villian looks more and more like Imu, so it looks like an L for every existing faction atm :gokulaugh: