CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Piccolo has too much potential
Will never forgive how they sidelined him in the buu saga
90% of my problem with Dragon Ball is it's just a giant Saiyan wank fest. The only actual threats to the Saiyan's are out right gods and the strongest individuals from other dimensions.

All this bullshit about how strong Namekians are, and how humans also have the potential to be that strong... just wasted. After Namek ended, the series power-scaling just died.
Always polishing my CoO skills. My fave's specialty after all.
1 billion bounty for Mihawk incoming? :catcry:
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You think I'm spamming
just for kicks?

It's coming....I can see it already.

Get ready, because Zoro vs Evil Sanji is gonna be more hype than Zoro vs Mihawk, and people are gonna extremely pissed at that.
Will Vegapunk play a role in turning the Cook evil? :bamathink: