In the european results, Nami came 3rd despite being nowhere near that halfway. I've been a OP fan for almost 20 years and know the european fanbase very well.

Not even in 10000 years is Nami more popular than Sanji and Law here.

The website had no anti botting system whatsoever, it's obvious shady things happened.
Can confirm. Same guy voting multiple times switching to incognito back and forth :suresure:
Reminder that Carrot is the 8th most popular character worldwide and Oda himself confirmed that no botting took place.
"I heard that there seemed to be some movements online organized by fans to come together to cast votes for unexpected characters. That didn’t get past the production team (laugh). It’s amazing how different the preferences towards these characters are all over the world and it was so fun seeing how it went down for Robin and Carrot."
Yamato being in 11th with almost 10 years later than Carrott is more impressive yet didn't mean shit.
@Pringles i love gray. How about that? Please reply even tho I'm just a newbie here
From the perspective of color psychology, grey is emotionless, boring, detached, and indecisive. Those who say their favorite color is grey don't tend to have any major likes or dislikes. They can take or leave most things, and, on a whole, lack the passion that comes with loving a "real" color.