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One piece chapter 1058 spoilers
-katakuri is struggling against poison gas
-bounties are shown in the chapter
-zoro and sanji have bounties just a little bit more than 1 billion(zoro has higher by some million)
-Blackbeard is in the chapter
-break next week
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In the european results, Nami came 3rd despite being nowhere near that halfway. I've been a OP fan for almost 20 years and know the european fanbase very well.

Not even in 10000 years is Nami more popular than Sanji and Law here.

The website had no anti botting system whatsoever, it's obvious shady things happened.
I believe Oda and his team.
Not to take anything from Luffy but he was conveniently given all kinds of anti-Kaido equipment to pull off a win against him. That too happened after Kaido took damage from almost every major fighter on Onigashima.
The most damage kaido took excluding Luffy was a tiny scar from zoro, it’s been confirmed several times by the narrator luffy defeated kaido if anyone was nerf it was canonically luffy who was killing himself using G5 and what anti kaido equ he’s simply stronger.
Mihawk, on the other hand, has the same abilities that Zoro does, and he's likely far better at about everything. He's a superior sword and is physically superior, and he likely has better CoO, CoA, and CoC. So yeah, he needs at least two major power-ups to challenge Mihawk.
Zoro is pushing Mihawk high diff minimum the fanfic that Mihawk was going to be his final fight is now out the window he might fight zoro before shiryu does. Saying he needs 2 Pu is kinda ridiculous
and Oda himself confirmed that no botting took place.
He said "I heard that there seemed to be some movements online organized by fans to come together to cast votes for unexpected characters. That didn’t get past the production team (laugh)".
And we know for a fact this is false because fucking Woop Slap is #37 worldwide purely due to an online meme movement spearheaded by a youtuber.

EDIT: I'll add to this that the wording in English is pretty ambiguous, "it didn't get past" could mean that the production team noticed but doesn't necessarily mean they took any action. I'd be interested in seeing the original Japanese quote but I can't find it.
The most damage kaido took excluding Luffy was a tiny scar from zoro, it’s been confirmed several times by the narrator luffy defeated kaido if anyone was nerf it was canonically luffy who was killing himself using G5 and what anti kaido equ he’s simply stronger.

Zoro is pushing Mihawk high diff minimum the fanfic that Mihawk was going to be his final fight is now out the window he might fight zoro before shiryu does. Saying he needs 2 Pu is kinda ridiculous
Never stop eating :pepecopium:
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