Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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The Rogue Prince
you might be wrong bcz marine gave crocodile bounty a huge amount. i can see that if crocodile regained his broken will and awakened his df. The near 2 Bill bounty is a huge one( for god sake it is near BB bounty who became a yonko). None of YC have that much bounty (atleast from what we saw until now). Unlike buggy he got bounty on his own irrelevant of mihawk joining gross guild. So buggy became an emperor just not based solely on mihawk but instead he had crocodile too.
Nothing indicates that Crocodile got such a huge bounty before Cross Guild lmao.
Buggy & Crocodile started the guild and it became a Yonko lvl threat once Mihawk joined. Those are the actual facts in the story.
it will
Now imagine Mihawk was still an active pirate all this time without becoming a warlord and had a Shanks level crew.

The Rocks Pirates would have been a pre-timeskip level threat.
will be the like kaido's since mihawk's threat level to marines is very high and he is also a marine hunter. Shanks is not a marine hunter and he will not actively participates anywhere in world. Bounties majorly depend on threat levels.
3.5 with a crew and solid partners while shanks is 4b :josad:
- Top Tier vice captain
- commanders with portrayal above other Yonko commanders
- Territories and political influence in the new world

-> Results in merely 400M more than Mihawk, who has Crocodile and Buggy with their manpower, which is < Yonko.

Even Luffy after beating Kaido and becoming Nika, received a 3B bounty.
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