Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Good morning, everyone.

How everyone is coping today? Bounties are now accepted as power levels (so zoro is still a bitch to King and Buggy no diffs him) or they are now accepted to be bullshit and not a good way to evaluate power?

Or worse, retards are using bounties for their agendas and ignoring everything that goes against it?
All the bs aside.
Both zoro and sanji got fuc#ed bounty wise(luffy as well).
Jinbe law and kid got way to big of a bounty for what they actually did lol
Bounty isn't about feats and power alone tho? Law deserves a high bounty for Ope Ope alone so I don't mind him being 3b, it actually makes sense (+ considering the cross guild bounties they're also high af). I have nothing to say about Kid tho...
Mate, Buggy was made the Emperor because of a Marine mistake according to the new spoilers.
Just checked that new piece of spoilers. But bow with Buggy and Mihawk's bounty it looks more like there's rivalry between Buggy and Mihawk rather than old facts about Shanks and Mihawk. Also even after knowing perfectly well like us that he's the strongest, they didn't put him in the same league as old emperors. Lol
Mihawk is still not a Yonko by name, but it is beyond any shadow of doubt that he is a Yonko calibre threat.
Now he has subordinates and by clubbing them all it's like having a yonko crew. Right ?
Shanks is a Yonko with powerful executives like Beckmann, Yasopp, Roo and Mihawk joining makes Buggy & Crocodile a Yonko...
Marines considers Cross Guild as a group of pirates and releases bounties in the name of them.

It's not like Bounties are outside the fact that either Shanks or Kaido or BM or Mihawk are all solos and outside there respective crews. Lol

Also Mihawk's past deeds and still targeting marines and now being part of a crew/organization couldn't help him get into the club of 4B+ but got hang with rookie.


Lazy is the way
Why dont yall give Mihawk props for once instead of downplaying him lmao?
You know well I’m playing

And I put Mihawk at top 5 behind Kaido, Dragon, Aka, and Shanks. So I know the man is fucking strong.

But seriously quite likely that the bounty we have now is with cross guild and not before joining. It would mean Mihawk dint get any raise because of gaining two powerful friends and armies ? That only Buggy and maybe Croco gained bounties and not Mihawk ? Really weird
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