Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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CoC: Color of Clowns

Barking's not enough
Same, I want to confirm if there are any time skip shenanigans going on
Nami's outfit is the key here since if she's still wearing that nice sweater from the last chapter. If so they're still in Wano's waters more or less.
Also imma be on the look out for certain clues in the background
Every new chapter I look for two things:

Monet's Fruit among Nami's Mikans
And storage containers Carrot could fit into

Zoro tells you if Ongiri landed= 0 damage

So how the fuck does basic hits moments later warrant King blocking?

You guys are implying Zoro jumped tiers in a couple of panels without ANYTHING to suggest that.

what is it you don’t understand?
Because Zoro has no idea how durable King's flame mode is? Lol. He's already on time-limit and using ACoC attacks makes Enma tax him even more. Why would he waste energy and haki on attacks that he's not sure will work?

King does, and King is blocking like a bitch even in flame mode, confirming Zoro can hurt him. There's a reason why King dodged that Oni Giri, he knew Zoro would hurt him. You're implying Zoro knows more about King's durability than King does.
Zoro fans= zoro always pass luffy current bounty :kuzanshut:= luffy last bounty 1.5 billion,=then oda zoro 1,101 billion zoro fans:suresure::josad::denzimote:
I mean he pass the 500M One innit?:suresure:
so far Luffy got 3 times (Dressrosa,WCI,Wano) Bounty increase, Zoro only 2 times (Dressrosa, Wano) bounty increase. So next one is gonna be 2B+ for Zoro :pepebusi: which is above 1,5B

Lion of Olympus

The Prince of Power
Bounties isn’t just about strength bro. It also includes threat to world government and influence. Excluding luffy and zoro, jimbei is the most influential and dangerous person on the crew in the wg’s eyes
Jinbei being “the most dangerous and influential” person in the crew doesn’t make sense. Sanji defeated a Yonko commander who was decently above a 1B bounty, Jinbei defeated a Veteran. There should be no comparison here lol
The marines must think Ussop was responsible for turning the gifters since he was throwing kibi-dangos around.
I think it's pretty safe to assume now that Tama's bounty would be 500.000.000 if the marines weren't so bad at gathering info.
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