Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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It's not really insecurity, the bounty simply doesn't make sense without an explanation because it's an objective fact that Jinbe did nothing in Wano to merit a higher bounty than Sanji; which is consistent because he didn't actually go up as much as Sanji did but still enough to end up 5% higher.

I believe, or at least hope Oda gives us the details as to why he leap frogged in such a manner to exceed and match two guys that took down forces that individually hold some of the highest bounties in the story. But you have an agenda I guess keep barking till Oda tells you to sit when Sanji inevitably is shown to maintain his position in both strength and bounty, well the strength part has already been taken care of.
Sanji was always the third strongest but had the 4th highest bounty.
After enis lobby
Luffy: 300m
Zoro: 120m
Robin: 80m
Sanji: 77m

After dress Rosa:
Luffy: 500m
Zoro: 320m
Ussop: 200m
Sanji: 177m

it is clearly intentional from Odas side that he does not but him on 3rd hugest bounty. What his reason are though I do not know.
But I would like to know what makes Jinbe have such a high bounty, he definitely does not deserve it just like that. Not that I don’t think that Jinbe is stronger then jack who has a 1B bounty.


I was joking, but for real now, Oda obviously made him join the guild so he can have options with him in the future and build up his hype a little.
Imagine if Oda didn't make Mihawk join the guild, we probably wouldnt get his bounty till his fight vs Zoro
Disagree. We are all expecting new bounties of Ex-Shichibukais.
Jinbei is stronger than Sanji, It’s simple. You’d be an idiot to not notice. Oda is trying to create a parallel here with Roger’s crew, Sanji’s parallel is Scopper Gaban who wasn’t even important enough for Oda to actually introduce in the current timeline.

BTW Oden was stronger than Gaban too, so there you have it. Gaban and sanji the no. 4’s of the crew. Keep crying now
99.99% of the One piece fandom are idiots, including the author himself. Interesting first it was Jinbe is the Oden then it became Yamato is the Oden and now Jinbe is the Oden once more, can't wait for Jinbe to fight another Who's Who while Sanji takes down someone considerably more powerful.
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