Is Mihawk more powerful than Shanks?

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Well marines should have sayed that mihawk surpasses shanks
Why did they have to say only in skill???
Is mihawks title the worlds most skilled swordsman or is the worlds STRONGEST swordsman.
You cant be this stupid. No one can.
I get it you dont want to admit what was explicitly said in the chapter about mihawk being stronger than shanks but at least keep quiet instead of making a fool of yourself.
All I care about is

Mihawk is explicitly stated to be WSS and shanks is clearly said to be swordsman

Between shanks and Mihawk comparison, only Mihawk is put above shanks via title and now in this chapter. And, also during East Blue when Oda made Mihawk say that he is not interested in fighting shanks anymore.

No one hyped shanks as strongest swordsman. Oda never made Direct/indirect comparison to say shanks is above Mihawk but now he did it for Mihawk being above shanks.

It's time to accept two facts

1) Mihawk is yonkou tier and zoro will surpass him EoS thus being stronger than yonkou

2)Mihawk was/ is above shanks
so basically... we have been right the whole time
Oda needed to go OUT OF HIS WAY to own the Shanks dickeaters
Mihawk may actually be top 1 in verse rn
Lol Mihawk > entire One Piece when it comes his skill, obviously Mihawk uses haki but it's not to the same level of Shanks

Feats nor portrayal support Mihawk having the same level Haki usage Shanks has, no even Kaido or Meme.

Whenever Shanks appears he gets hyped not for his lineage, not for his swordsmanship but for his Haki
Nothing but headcannon.

This is how Zoro became stronger during Wano.

- greater CoA haki control and manipulation
- obtained CoC/ACoC
- took ACoC to higher level
- learned fire cut skill

Zoro is now called a sword master thanks to that power.

Zoro didn't become stronger by being more skilled at parrying swords. That proves swordsmanship can and does include different power and ability/skill such as haki.

You can't become a strong swordnan without having powerful haki. It makes sense the manga focused on Shanks' haki. Especially since he used it against a DF user. It was needed. It's foolish to believe the WSS, who taught Zoro haki over the time skip, wouldn't have some of the strongest haki in the manga.


Talent is something you make bloom.
@Doggo how do you feel about the returned bounty power scalings?
Jokes aside, the only three people I think got the short end of the stick were Nami, Franky and Crocodile.
They "defeated" Tobi Roppos, but got the "generic 300M" boost that Usopp and Brook got.
And, to be perfectly honest, considering Crocodile got a freaking 1.9B, I think Jinbo might've been scammed as well. If the 1.1b was supposed to reflect his "hype" as a revised former shichibukai bounty, I think he could have easily been put in the 1.5B mark. He's the member of an official Yonko Crew as much as Croc is.

Sanji was the 4th bounty in EL and Dressrosa. We had a funny thing with the 330M, but no one sane thought Sanji was stronger than Zoro then.
I'm chilling.
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