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or i am rolecrushed but simply didn't get information, like i haven't used any abilities anyway so i can't tell without asking fuji

or you're lying

there're options

I’ll go ahead and claim my Pokémon & abilities:

- Sheer Force - my actions cannot be downgraded

- Sheer Cold - 1 shot R/P/S tree stump kill

- Screech - Role crush

- Fly - 1 shot to make my actions unstoppable or have priority for a night

- Super Luck - 50% chance to survive the 1st superkill, after that it drops to 25%

- Thief - Steal an ability from another player (2 shot)
- Insomnia - Immune to sleep

- Tried to rolecrush Ekko and to steal an ability from Odd but it failed and never showed up in the WU
- Fly + rolecrush Pot and steal an ability from Rej (lightning rod Night)
- Rolecrushed Sallu
- Rolecrushed T-Pein but hit Ratchet it seems
Your claim looks really sketchy. Last day you were asking if anyone redirected you and was suspecting the move Foul Play had something to do with it and no one claimed that. I looked up Murkrow and it learns the move Foul Play. On the wu from last night there is an ability move named Prankster that said it was activated. Murkrow has a hidden ability by the name of Prankster and no one has claimed that.
Your claim looks really sketchy. Last day you were asking if anyone redirected you and was suspecting the move Foul Play had something to do with it and no one claimed that. I looked up Murkrow and it learns the move Foul Play. On the wu from last night there is an ability move named Prankster that said it was activated. Murkrow has a hidden ability by the name of Prankster and no one has claimed that.
They’re not mine. There’s a lot of other Pokémon with those too.
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