Anime & Manga One Piece 1058 and the big dilemma for Sanji fans

I know that this childrens' manga is too complex for you but 2200 ~ 2180

okay? And?
It doesn't count martial arts either, so what?

What king of retard are you?

Swords don't give you physical strength. They are being move by physical strength.
Just replace Doriki with joules. Kaku is physicaly as strong with or without the swords. His swords will hit with 2200 points of Doriki, you retard.

And? Jyabura used iron body to block Sanji's first hit
while Kaku did not use anything to block Zoro's ashura

If you wanna go technical then, Zoro needed 2 attacks to beat Kaku
1st one to cut his slash and the other one to cut defenseless Kaku in the air

2 DJ kicks and 2 Ashura hits


If I have in my hand bunch of oranges and you take a handful of rotten oranges from my hand. Are the oranges in my hand no longer oranges or something?

Relax, King was only called a right hand man before Kaido met Queen and Jack. After that he formed All stars and they all became his most trusted subordinates.

That's why King did not have a separate rank and that's why Tobiroppo could have challenged King just the same as they cold Jack and Queen and dethrone King to tobiroppo position.

Lmao what?

Queen one shotting Big Mom with a simple heabutt >>>>>>>>> literally anything King and Zoro done

wow, crazy how after the dbsm games Sanji was still healthy enough to fight King and Queen together and beat one of them
Meanwhile Zolo needed mink medicine to restore him to full hp to just barely beat King, who was nerfed after fighting Marco and Sanji
Lmao this guy is a flat earther
King nerfed after fighting Marco and Sanji lmao
Not only this was never even remotely mentioned or showed or implied in the series
But imagine being nerfed because of this "effort"...


You are a flat earther like the other Sanji stans
Not even worth an answer
Keep being in your 5% of delusional copers
Lmao this guy is a flat earther
King nerfed after fighting Marco and Sanji lmao
Not only this was never even remotely mentioned or showed or implied in the series
But imagine being nerfed because of this "effort"...


You are a flat earther like the other Sanji stans
Not even worth an answer
Keep being in your 5% of delusional copers
lmao, so not only did you dodge all your shitty ass points being refuted
You started using anime filler as evidence

Funny in how that filler, King had to block Sanji's filler attack because he knew it would hurt him
while in canon, King doesn't bother blocking Zoro's attacks because he knew it won't hurt him
Last time I checked the virgin Zoro couldn't handle all his bones getting broken while it didn't matter at all for the chad Sanji

Seriously... are you normal brained?

What it took to break Zoro's bones... -> two Yonkos combininig their strengths were needed and Zoro saved the lives of Luffy, Law and Kidd, who otherwise would be dead, meaning Yonkos wouldn't fall

What it took to break Sanji's bones! -> a fucking mere YC2 alone was more than enough...

What broken bones Sanji could do... -> nothing bar behaving in a weird and cringe way (he survived and moved later only thanks Vinsmoke genes awakening and giving him the abilities, otherwise he would be done for good... and in any case, the comparison with what broken bones Zoro achieved AGAINST YONKOS is just laughable)

What broken bones Zoro could do! -> he kept pace with speedster Killer and blitzed Big Mom who was moving on Prometheus and was unable to react to him, then continued neutralizing Prometheus
-> then he attacked Kaido in 1 vs 1 fair and square with a frontal attack, clashing with him and besting him in CQC to land a hit that wounded the Yonko to the point of leaving a scar (something that the Red Scabbards, many YC level characters who combined their strength together, could not even remotely achieve)*

* in that issue he also protected Luffy again, not only acting as a perfect right hand man, but also saving Luffy's life and therefore resulting vital for Kaido's defeat

You... literally made the worst own goal you could

Seriously... are you normal brained?

What it took to break Zoro's bones... -> two Yonkos combininig their strengths were needed and Zoro saved the lives of Luffy, Law and Kidd, who otherwise would be dead, meaning Yonkos wouldn't fall

What it took to break Sanji's bones! -> a fucking mere YC2 alone was more than enough...

What broken bones Sanji could do... -> nothing bar behaving in a weird and cringe way (he survived and moved later only thanks Vinsmoke genes awakening and giving him the abilities, otherwise he would be done for good... and in any case, the comparison with what broken bones Zoro achieved AGAINST YONKOS is just laughable)

What broken bones Zoro could do! -> he kept pace with speedster Killer and blitzed Big Mom who was moving on Prometheus and was unable to react to him, then continued neutralizing Prometheus
-> then he attacked Kaido in 1 vs 1 fair and square with a frontal attack, clashing with him and besting him in CQC to land a hit that wounded the Yonko to the point of leaving a scar (something that the Red Scabbards, many YC level characters who combined their strength together, could not even remotely achieve)*

* in that issue he also protected Luffy again, not only acting as a perfect right hand man, but also saving Luffy's life and therefore resulting vital for Kaido's defeat

You... literally made the worst own goal you could

Yet Zoro ended up as a blunt and Sanji was perfectly fine :saden: